Jacobs Vanaman Agency named Coshocton BPW Business of the Year

Jacobs Vanaman Agency was named the 2017 Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) Business of the Year on Monday night, Oct. 16, at Grace United Methodist Church. Pictured from left are: Clint Puskarich, owner and vice president; Tony West, owner and president; and Carey McMasters, personal lines agent. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The Jacobs Vanaman Agency was named the 2017 Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) Business of the Year on Monday night, Oct. 16, at Grace United Methodist Church. Coshocton BPW Past President and Jacobs Vanaman Agency employee Carey McMasters made the announcement and presented the award to Owner and President Tony West and Owner and Vice President Clint Puskarich.
Not only has the Jacobs Vanaman Agency been “Providing Peace of Mind” since 1904 they also value our community and have a strong commitment to it.
The Jacobs Vanaman Agency has been supporters of Coshocton Business & Professional Women (BPW) by sponsoring the annual cake auction and also paying the annual dues for any employee who is a member of BPW.
They also contribute and support Coshocton County Dollars for Scholars, Coshocton Kiwanis Club, Relay for Life, Keeley Maxwell Scholarship Fund, Coshocton is Blooming, WIC Nutrition Fair, Coshocton, Ridgewood and River View Sports programs and the Coshocton County Regional Airport Hangar Fund, just to name a few.
They are a full service agency providing life, health, personal and commercial insurance. With over 20 top rated insurance carriers they take great care to connect clients with the insurance solutions that meet their needs
The Jacobs Insurance Agency was formed in 1904 by Russell Jacobs. In 1958 the agency was bought by Roy Snyder who continued to run the business as the Jacobs Insurance Agency up until 1997. At that time, the Jacobs Insurance Agency merged with the Vanaman Agency and become the Jacobs Vanaman Agency. Three years later in 2000, Russ Kring, owner of the William Kring Agency came on board to help the Jacobs Vanaman Agency meet the growing need for quality affordable Life and Health Insurance. In 2003 the Parkhill Sedanko Agency merged with the agency bringing even more experience to the Jacobs Vanaman Agency.
There have been many changes since the agency began in 1904 and the agency is still going strong and growing. They currently have offices in Coshocton, Dresden and Alliance. They also employ 13 licensed customer service agents.
McMasters, an employee for over 14 years, stated that she might be biased, but she truly loves the history of the Jacobs Vanaman Agency and how it has come to be the agency that it is now. “There is a true sense of “family” when you walk into the office – whether as a client or an employee.”
Category: Clubs & Organizations