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Join Altercare Coshocton on Falls Prevention Awareness Day

| September 18, 2018

COSHOCTON – To mark National Falls Prevention Awareness Day, Altercare Coshocton is proud to partner with STEADY U Ohio, the state’s older adult falls prevention initiative, to help take “10 Million Steps to Prevent Falls!” Join Altercare at 1991 Otesgo Avenue, Coshocton on Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. to participate in a one-mile fitness walk and learn what you or your older loved ones can do to reduce the risk of a potentially life-changing fall. The number of participants and miles walked at this event will be counted toward the state’s goal of 10 million steps statewide.

Falls are truly an epidemic among our older friends and neighbors. In fact, one in three Ohioans over age 60 will fall this year, and someone is injured in a fall every five minutes. The good news is that falls are not a normal part of aging, and most falls can be prevented. We’re participating in ‘10 Million Steps to Prevent Falls’ to help people in the Coshocton area identify the many steps they can take to reduce their risk of falls and fall-related injury.

Coupled with informed changes to your home, health and habits, 15-20 minutes of simple exercise, like walking, can significantly lower your risk of falling. Regular, low-impact physical activity strengthens muscles, builds stamina and improves balance

Altercare Coshocton is hosting a one-mile walk around their facility starting at 10 a.m. on Friday Sept. 21. Altercare Coshocton offers both inpatient and outpatient physical, occupation and speech therapy services. Visit their facility at 1991 Otsego Avenue, Coshocton or call 740-622-2074 for more information about their therapy services and how they can help you prevent falls.

“10 Million Steps to Prevent Falls” is a statewide effort to raise awareness of falls prevention for older adults. The STEADY U Ohio initiative aims to get at least 4,000 Ohioans to walk one mile or more in the name of falls prevention on or around National Falls Prevention Awareness Day. Ohioans can participate by attending events like the one hosted by Altercare Coshocton or by simply walking a mile by themselves or with family or friends during September and posting a picture to social media with the hashtags #PreventFalls and #10MStepsOH.

STEADY U Ohio is a comprehensive falls prevention initiative led by Governor John Kasich and the Ohio Department of Aging, and supported by Ohio government and state business partners. Visit www.steadyu.ohio.gov for falls prevention resources and tips.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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