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June is recognition month for Coshocton In Bloom

| May 30, 2019

COSHOCTON – Are you excited about your landscaping or improvements made to your property or one in your neighborhood? Share these stories this month with Coshocton In Bloom (CIB).

June has been designated recognition month by Coshocton In Bloom. Nominations for awards for homeowners or businesses can be left with Clary Gardens by e-mailing director@clarygardens.org or calling 740-622-6524. All you have to do is leave the name and address of the property or at least directions to it.

“You can nominate someone in the city limits for any of the America in Bloom categories (flowers, landscaped areas, urban forestry, environmental efforts, celebrating heritage, community vitality, and overall impression),” said CIB Board Member Dorothy Skowrunski. “Did someone plant new trees, did they add a rain barrel, did they put in new turf or do they have a really nice vegetable garden?”

Properties also can be nominated for very simple reasons.

“Was it not being kept up and now all of a sudden it is?” said CIB Board Member Jandi Adams.

Award winners will be invited to and recognized at a reception in July for the America in Bloom judges.

The judges will be in town Monday and Tuesday, July 22-23 and CIB board members plan to show them gardens in the community.

“They (the judges) like to meet city officials but they like to see what community people are doing too,” Skowrunski said.

Coshocton In Bloom pays for the judges’ visit through generous donations from the community. These donations also help cover the cost of flowers planted on Main Street and in pots throughout the community and helps with watering them.

“This is not a city-sponsored project,” Skowrunski said. “The city and county does participate though by renting flower pots from us. Without the community’s support we would not be here.”

Letters asking for donations have gone out to the community, but anyone who didn’t get one can contact Clary Gardens. Checks can be made out to Coshocton In Bloom, P.O. Box 1221, Coshocton, OH 43812. There also is still time to rent flower pots. The flower pots project is coordinated by Tim France. Cost for the pots for the whole year is: Small – $80; medium – $80; tall – $120.

“That covers the pot, soil, fertilizer and four seasonal plantings,” Skowrunski said. “We provide total maintenance.”

Volunteers are also always welcome. Projects can be found for individuals, clubs or organizations.

“One thing we need help with is weeding parking lots and making areas like that look better,” Skowrunski said.

You also can help Coshocton In Bloom prepare for the judges visit by planting flowers that go along with this year’s theme: Heart N Soul. Color combinations being used to celebrate the theme are: Shades of pinks and white in baskets with the lime green sweet potato. Pots will have shades of pink, red, rose, and a mixture of trailing vines.

How does the CIB garden grow?

The question that is asked the most of Coshocton in Bloom is “How do you keep your planters so beautiful all season long?” This CIB factsheet will help get you off to a great start.

  1. First, we suggest you pick an appropriate area to set your container. Know if the spot is full sun, partial sun or full shade. Does the container receive rain or no rain? You will want to make sure you plant flowers that will thrive in the spot you choose.
  2. Next you will want to pick a container that is made for outdoor use. Flowers and planters should be chosen to blend well with one another. Color, potential plant size and the mass of flowers must be taken into consideration when choosing a container. Each year CIB posts this year’s flower theme and color selection on our Facebook account: Coshocton In Bloom.
  3. If the planter has been used previously, you will want to thoroughly clean it with water and bleach to kill any bacteria, disease or pests. Then soak the planter that is constructed of clay or terracotta overnight to fill the pores and ensure plant hydration from the start.
  4. If there are no holes in the bottom of the container, drill 3/4-inch drainage holes to ensure proper drainage. Cover the holes inside the planter using broken crockery or stones. This prevents soil from blocking the holes or leaking out of the container.
  5. Pour a light potting soil and compost mixture into the container. CIB uses Pro-Mix in our planters. Do not use cheap potting soil. Select plants that go well together and need the same growing environment. Dig holes with a trowel that meet the depth the individual plants and root systems require. Instructions can be found on commercial flower tags.
  6. You will want to gently remove plants from pots. Tap the bottom of the container if resistance is felt. Hold the plant by the stem in one hand at the soil line. Lower the plant into a hole. Trowel dirt gently around the roots of the plant to fill in the hole. Water thoroughly.
  7. Add a layer of mulch on top of the soil in large planters to slow down the evaporation of moisture.
  8. Water and fertilize regularly. CIB uses “Jack’s Blossom Booster” to feed our plants once a week.

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Category: Clubs & Organizations

About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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