Keene United Methodist Church is planning two ways to share the Lord’s blessings with the community this month.
Fresh produce from gardens is welcome to be dropped off and picked up at the church’s picnic shelter on Mondays.
“Last year we had folks from the congregation that had extras from their gardens and brought them to the congregation,” Kent Arnold from the church said. “I was in Michigan and came back to a bunch of zucchini and this and that. I talked to the pastor about sharing with the community, and she kind of liked the idea. Anything people have left over from their gardens they are welcome to put on the tables at the pavilion. We will leave it out there for the day so people from the community have a chance to come.”
On the first Monday of the new program, people had zucchini, cucumbers, large red onions, banana peppers and green peppers to choose from.
“On Mondays anyone can come up any time during the day,” Arnold said. “Anybody is welcome, and we aren’t asking for love offerings or any exchange of money.”
Leftovers at the end of the day will be taken to Mark Granger to use at his church’s food pantry.
“We will keep it going as long as gardens are producing,” Arnold said. “I think it’s a neat program.”
Keene United Methodist Church members also decided to host Vacation Bible School Thursday through Saturday, Aug. 12-14. The Ark Adventure will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Aug. 12-13 and from 10 a.m. to noon on Aug. 14. Children preschool through sixth grade are invited for music, games, Bible lessons, crafts and snacks.
Vacation Bible School will wrap up on Saturday, Aug. 14 with a pet blessing at 11:30 a.m. Nonaggressive pets of all shapes and sizes are welcome, and the community is invited to participate.
Registration forms for VBS are available. Keene UMC is located at 27100 County Road 1 in Coshocton. Call 740-622-8059, email
keeneumc@roadrunner.com or look the church up on Facebook.
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Category: Faith