Kids America introducing children to new activities

Isaac Bush, executive director at Kids America, led participants in a basketball clinic through some defensive drills. Kids America is holding free clinics prior to the start of leagues to help children find out what activities they are interested in. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Kids America had more than 125 potential basketball players through its doors in a three hour period thanks to one of several free clinics offered at the facility.
“We are doing these as a promotion for our leagues,” said Isaac Bush, executive director of Kids America. “It’s a way we can show kids what they are going to do before they commit and parents pay for them to play.”
Two day basketball and cheerleading clinics were both held this month to help draw interest in the activities.
“If all the kids play who came to our first basketball clinic, we could double the numbers from our last session,” Bush said. “Hopefully we made an impression.”
The clinics also are nice because they let kids know right away if they are going to like a sport.
“Parents will be able to tell if their kid isn’t old enough yet or just doesn’t have the attention span at the moment,” Bush said. “Hopefully with these we won’t have people disappear after the first week of play.”
He and several Kids America volunteers ran the basketball clinics. Participants were divided into age groups and had the opportunity to participate in offensive and defensive drills. The cheerleading clinic was run by Catrisha Tittle.
“This is a way to let parents come with their kids and try something before they commit to it,” she said.
Cheer started at Kids America in 2017 and the squad cheers at basketball games.
“They can see how well they like it before they are old enough to do it for their school,” Tittle said.

Auybree Hittle was one of several young cheerleaders who took part in a cheer clinic at Kids America. Josie Sellers | Beacon
The potential cheerleaders were taught a series of cheers and dance moves during their two day clinic.
“She had a good group turn out,” Bush said. “Hopefully enough will sign up that they can be broken into age groups. If enough kids show up for leagues then we are able to break them up more so they can all have fun and touch the ball instead of just running around.”
The next free clinic offered will be an outdoor soccer one from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 31. It will be for ages 3-12.
“They will all be like mini camps,” Bush said. “We want the kids to get to touch the ball, learn some basic skills and see if this is something they enjoy doing.”
He said they are planning on holding the clinics about two weeks before leagues start.
“That gives parents time to think and maybe get out and practice with their kids a little bit,” Bush said. “We hope to avoid late registration this way too because they will know they want to participate.”
For more on upcoming activities at Kids America, visit
“There are a lot of opportunities to come play sports here,” Bush said. “We just need the kids to come play.”
Category: Multimedia, Photo Galleries, Sports, Youth