Kids enjoy showing off sheep in lamb lead class

Kyle Roach, from Magic Makers 4-H Club, and his sheep, Vira, walk around the show ring at the Coshocton County Fair on Oct. 4. (Jen Jones)
The lamb lead classes at the Coshocton County Fair were held on Oct. 4 and the participants had a fun time showing off their sheep and their outfits. The outfits were to be made of some type of wool and several of the children were wearing dresses or jumpers that were made by their grandmothers or special family friends.
Celia Buxton, 9, was participating in the event for the first time this year. This is her second year in 4-H with the Magic Makers Club. Her sheep’s name is Rose, and she’s been practicing walking Rose at home. “We have to dress-up, walk our sheep in a circle, then go up on the platform to show off our outfit. I’m not really nervous.” Buxton said she takes care of Rose at home and that she has to feed and water her. “I walk her a lot at home, too.”
Ten year old Kenzie Roach has been participating in the lamb lead since she was three or four. “It’s fun. I really enjoy it. I’m not nervous about it.” Her sheep’s name is Elsa, and she takes care of her at home, too. “I feed her and help my brother water her. And I have to clean out her pen.”
Kenzie’s brother, Kyle, 14, has also been part of the lamb lead since he was very young. “It’s fun. I like walking with Vira – she’s my big baby. I nicknamed her Tank because of how big she is.” Kyle also shows sheep in other classes. When asked why he would encourage others to choose sheep to show, he said, “It’s difficult, but really worth it. It’s fun.”
There were several laughs during the show as sheep decided to be stubborn and not walk or when the youngest participants decided running to their family was more fun than walking in a circle.
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