Teen helper Thomas is keeping his eyes on the young men climbing the bounce house at Chili Crossroads Summer Camp. (Marianne Austin)
What child wouldn’t want to go to a summer camp on three and a half acres that offers a different activity every hour? Bikes, a zip line, horseback riding, buggy rides, a petting zoo, and slip and slide are just a few fun adventures at the camp.
Children ages 3 to sixth grade are having fun doing a multitude of activities and getting lots of fresh air and sunshine during Summer Kids Camp at Chili Crossroads Bible Church. “We’re following all the regulations for Ohio day camps,” Pastor Neal Dearyan said. “We practice hand washing every time we enter the building.”
Each week has a new theme including Adventure Camp, Animal World, Detective, Inventors, Wilderness and Art and Sports Camp. Each age group attends every activity for an hour so that all age groups get to do them all at different times. Inventor’s Camp kids were building robots, making robotic arms and building forts using cardboard. They build on their projects each day and show the finished product on Friday.
“It is a lot of activities in one day. The activities are back to back and every group does the same thing only at different times. The most popular is the bouncy house and the water slide” said lead teacher, Jo Brewer.
“There are a lot of drink stations to keep everyone cool and hydrated. We’re having a lot of fun and they love it,” said Amanda Dearyan who was manning the bounce house along with teen helper Thomas. Thomas said this is his second year helping with the kids. “It’s nice. Parents can’t really take them anywhere right now and they love it too.”
Pastor Dearyan said he was talking to a mom who suggested they do a camp. “We did it for three weeks last year and it was so great we decided to do it for six weeks this year. One result of our camp doing so well is our location is an asset because we’re remote and there is plenty of room for them to be outside with fresh air and sunshine. With no school, camp is a new thing and we want people to be aware that they have an option.”
Chili Crossroads Church also is now enrolling for the new fall preschool. They offer full day, half day and preschool classes for ages 3-5, Mommy and Me classes for 2-year-olds, and before and after school care. Schedule a tour by calling or texting Julie at 740-908-4311 or find out more about summer camp by calling 740-545-9707 or checking out chilicrossroadscamp.com.
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Category: Faith