Kiss the pig fundraiser raises money for United Way

Challenge: Bobbi Parks reacts to the challenge of kissing a pig that Dave Rogers is holding. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers
COSHOCTON – The look on Bobbi Parks face was priceless as she prepared to kiss a pig.
“I was afraid it was going to bite me, but it wasn’t too bad,” she said.
Parks works in human resources at Annin where employees were challenged to raise $300 for United Way and the chance to see Parks and Dave Rogers, director of operations, kiss a pig.
“For me it was easier because when she went to approach him he got excited,” Rogers said. “I’m proud of everyone though for coming together and supporting United Way.”
Parks also was pleased with how all the employees chipped in. The last time she counted the money in the plastic pig everyone was placing it in, there was only $67. However, the employees stepped up and reached their goal by the Dec. 3 deadline.
“Thank you for your contributions,” Parks told the employees. “I’m not looking forward to kissing a pig, but this is for a good cause.”
This was only one of several fundraisers Annin held for United Way. Pledge cards were collected from employees, there was a silent auction, a tailgate party for the Ohio State vs Michigan college football game, chili cook off and more that raised about $6,000.
“We had fun and tried to do different things to get our employees involved,” Parks said.
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