Kiwanis hosting annual Pancake Day

The annual Kiwanis Pancake Day fundraiser will be held on Thursday, Nov. 10. (File)
Reminding the community that pancakes aren’t just for breakfast anymore, Kiwanis of Coshocton is hosting the annual Pancake Day on Thursday, Nov. 10 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, 434 Chestnut Street, Coshocton.
The menu features all-you-can-eat pancakes, prepared by Kiwanis members. Tickets are available in advance by contacting a local Kiwanis member or at the door for $8 per person. Children 3 and under are free.
Profits from the event support the efforts of the local Kiwanis Club, a member of the international Kiwanis organization. While primarily dedicated to serving the needs of children and communities, Kiwanis accepts requests from local non-profits to support a range of community projects. Most recently, Kiwanis co-sponsored the College/Career Fair for area high school students.
Nearly 50 local businesses are sponsoring this year’s Pancake Day, with Coshocton Regional Medical Center serving as the 2022 Corporate Sponsor.
Kiwanis Club of Coshocton meets every Wednesday at noon at the Elks Lodge. Anyone interested in learning more about the organization is encouraged to contact a Kiwanis member or send a message through the group’s Facebook page,
Category: Clubs & Organizations