Kiwanis Pancake Day coming soon

| October 30, 2017

COSHOCTON – Three hundred and fifty pounds of pancake batter has been ordered. Volunteers from Coshocton High School Key Club, Coshocton Regional Medical Center and Coshocton Springs are lined up. Kiwanis members are practicing their pancake flipping skills. Kiwanis Pancake Day 2017 will be held on Thursday, Nov. 2, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Coshocton Elks on Chestnut Street.

The cost will be $5 per person for unlimited pancakes. The first plate has sausage links included. If you want more sausage, it can be purchased for a small price.  Lyn Mizer said, “This is our biggest fundraiser for the year. We usually serve a couple thousand people.”

Kiwanis is a local non-profit civics organization with helping children as their primary goal. “We meet weekly on Wednesday at the Elks to have lunch, hear a speaker and discuss what programs we can help,” said Mizer. “There are 35-40 members now and we are always looking for new members.” Anyone interested in becoming a member can attend the meeting at noon on Wednesdays.

The money from the Pancake Day will go to supporting children’s programs, both locally and worldwide. “Last year, I think we gave almost $42,000 to local programs,” said Mizer. Those local programs include CHS Key Club, Junior Achievement at Ridgewood, Special Olympics and a produce market that is held at the fairgrounds four times a year.

Kiwanis members also help with Clean Up Coshocton Day and award grants to local non-profit agencies that help children, such as Dollars for Scholars and the Coshocton Public Library Summer Reading Program. The Kiwanis Club also sponsors all area third graders to attend the Pancake Day for free.

“We couldn’t do this without the help of the Key Club from Coshocton High School. I am very thankful that they come to help us each year,” said Mizer.

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