Leadership Coshocton County announces 2014 class

2014 Class: Pictured from left, row one are: Brenda Kline, Ken Stocker, Lori Everhart, Shannon Shontz; second row: Barb Karr, Kathy Bryant, Jennifer Bluck, Cindy Stockdale, Dawne Shook, Shawna Maloy; third row: Frank Polen, Kim Gress, Chris Wilson, Mike Bilsza; back row: Mary Luck, Bethel Toler, Kaylee Wisenburg, Dean Hettinger. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COSHOCTON – Leadership Coshocton County (LCC), a program of the Coshocton Foundation, announced the class of 2014. Participants were introduced at a reception on Sept. 5 at Roberta’s Catering Events and Banquet Hall.
The 2014 class participants are: Mike Bilsza, Coshocton Alliance Church; Jennifer Bluck, Coshocton Co. Memorial Hospital; Kathy Bryant, retired; Lori Everhart, Coshocton Park District; Kim Gress, Ohio State Extension; Dean Hettinger, Coshocton Co. Sheriff’s Dept.; Barb Karr, Coshocton Co. Juvenile & Probate Court; Brenda Kline, Coshocton Christian School; Mary Lusk, Coshocton Co. Memorial Hospital; Shawna Maloy, Clow Water Systems; Frank Polen, River View Local Schools/Warsaw Elementary; Shannon Shontz, Coshocton Co. Board of DD/Hopewell School; Dawne Shook, Coshocton City Schools; Cindy Stockdale, Coshocton City School District; Kenneth Stocker, River View Local Schools; Bethel Toler, Coshocton Regional Airport Authority; Christopher Wilson, Mid-East Ohio Building Dept.; and Kaylee Wisenburg, Ohio Heritage Bank.
To be considered as a participant in the Leadership Coshocton County program, an individual can either apply or be nominated, have demonstrated commitment to the community, have an interest in assuming a greater responsibility in the community, have the intention to remain in the community, have the full support of their employer and have the ability to attend all sessions plus an overnight retreat.
When selecting the class participants, the LCC Selection Committee make a conscious effort to select a group with a balance of age, ethnic origin, gender, occupation, interest and geographic location in the county. This can often be a multi-year process. This diversity promotes and creates a class in which everyone stretches, grows and contributes to the uniqueness of our community.
A two-day kickoff retreat was held for the class Sept. 15-16. This will be followed by eight monthly, daylong sessions that focus on leadership skills, transformational leadership opportunities and facets of Coshocton County. The program concludes in May with commencement of the class. Anyone interested in applying for the 2015 Leadership Coshocton County class can call the leadership office at 622-0010 ext. 15.
Category: Clubs & Organizations