Leadership Coshocton County graduates 27th class

Members of the Leadership Coshocton County Class of 2018 include: Front row, from left – Shana Miller, Kaitlyn Saylor, Robin Hire, Kecia Buxton, Jessica Paisley; middle row – Jami Hammersley, Jason Thompson, Carly Thompson, Aimee Neighbor, Tracy Hennen, Executive Director Betsy Gosnell; back row – Ryan McPeek, Chris Wallace, Les Widder, Mike Finton, and Jonathan Ianniello. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Leadership Coshocton County (LCC), a program for emerging and potential community leaders, graduated its 27th class on May 10.
Bee Lehner, Leadership Coshocton Advisory Board Chair along with Executive Director Betsy Gosnell, presented graduation plaques to the members of the Class of 2018. Graduates also received certificates of recognition from Governor John Kasich, Senator Jay Hottinger, and Congressman Bob Gibbs. Graduates of the class include: Kecia Buxton, River View Local School District; Mike Finton, Jones Metal Products; Jami Hammersley, Health Services of Coshocton; Tracy Hennen, Century National Bank; Robin Hire, Ridgewood Schools; Jonathan Ianniello, Farmers Insurance, Jon Ianniello Agency; Ryan McPeek, Coshocton KOA; Shana Miller, Help Me Grow/Coshocton County Board of DD; Aimee Neighbor; Jessica Paisley, Given-Dawson-Paisley Funeral Home; Kaitlyn Saylor, Given-Dawson-Paisley Funeral Home; Carly Thompson, Grason Properties & HER Realtors; Jason Thompson, Grason Properties & HER Realtors; Chris Wallace, WTNS Radio and Les Widder, self-employed piano technician. Also in attendance were The Honorable Steve Mercer, Mayor of Coshocton; The Honorable Stephen Bordenkircher, Mayor of the Village of West Lafayette and Tim Ross, Congressman Bob Gibbs District Director. Rounding out the audience were employers, alumni, family members and guests of the graduates.
The project completed by the Class of 2018 involved the removal of four rows of bricks and railroad ties in Roscoe Village between the Warehouse Steak-n-Stein and Roscoe General Store and replacing with new; as well as the removal and replacement of the picket fence surrounding Eliza’s Garden, on the canal level behind the doctor’s house. This project, as pointed out by Robert Buerglener, formerly of the Roscoe Village Foundation, will benefit community members and visitor’s to the village alike, and will leave a legacy of service to the community.
Roscoe Village Properties Manager Chad Miller said, “We didn’t want the leadership project to be just picking up sticks. We wanted it to be something meaningful, that they could look back on and something that we needed done. The fence around Eliza’s Garden has been on the list for a long time and the sidewalk needed some love. Eliza’s Garden, when I look back, it was one of Mrs. Montgomery’s favorites so we’re really happy to have that new fence.”
Leadership Coshocton County is a program of the Coshocton Foundation. For more information, contact Betsy Gosnell, executive director, at 740-622-0010; e-mail lead@coshoctonfoundation.org; or visit the website at www.coshoctonfoundation.org/leadership.
Category: People & Places