Legal Notice
The Coshocton County Commissioners are soliciting Qualifications for an Architect of Record (A/E) for their New Correctional Facility Project (“Project”).
The Project includes a new full-service jail consisting of 120-140 beds, a new Sheriff’s Office, and a new Prosecutor’s Office. Total building area is approximately 40,000 sf. The jail will include minimum, medium, and maximum security housing; intake; visitation; classrooms; outdoor recreation areas; full-service kitchen; sallyport; and other support spaces. The Project will include appropriate Site improvements such as parking and landscaping. The Site, which is at the northeast corner of 7th and Walnut Streets, is approximately 300 ft. x 300 ft. and is currently vacant.
The A/E’s Preconstruction Phase services will include programming, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and other services required under the Contract. The A/E will also participate in the best-value selection of the CM and the evaluation/negotiation of one or more GMP Amendments to the CM’s contract.
The A/E’s Construction Phase services will include usual and customary construction administration activities including site meetings, construction observation, submittal review, pay application processing, change processing, claims evaluation, and other services required under the Contract.
The A/E’s qualifications required include: (1) competence of staff to perform the required services; (2) experience working on similar projects; (3) past performance on other projects; (4) financial responsibility; and (5) other qualifications consistent with the scope and needs of the Project.
The complete Request for Qualifications may be obtained by contacting Mary Beck, Clerk/Administrator; Coshocton County Commissioners; 401 1/2 Main St.; Coshocton, OH 43812;; (740) 622-1753; or at
Statements of Qualifications are due by noon on June 10, 2016.
By order of the Coshocton County Commissioners; 401 1/2 Main St.; Coshocton, OH 43812.
4839-6668-9585, v. 1
CCB: May 18’16
Category: Legal Notices