Legal Notice
Legal Notice
In the common pleas court of
Coshocton County, Ohio
Samuel D. maple
CASE NO. 2017CI0238
TO SUSAN K. YOUNG AKA SUSAN YOUNG MEHRING AKA SUSAN YOUNG MURRAY, IF LIVING, AND WALTER MEHRING AKA WALTER MURRAY, IF LIVING, AND THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, GUARDIANS, ASSIGNEES, SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST AND UNKNOWN SPOUSES THEREOF, IF ANY, THERETO PROXIMATE OR REMOTE, OF ROXIE VIOLA YOUNG, CHARLES KEEN YOUNG, CHARLES W. YOUNG, SUSAN K. YOUNG AKA SUSAN YOUNG MEHRING AKA SUSAN YOUNG MURRAY, AND WALTER MEHRING AKA WALTER MURRAY, all of whose residences are unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that on the 12th day of July 2017, Plaintiff, Samuel D. Maple, filed an Action To Quiet Title To Real Property in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, in Case No. 17CI0238, on the docket of the Court, and the object and demand for relief of said action is to declare that Plaintiff, Samuel D. Maple, is the true and lawful owner of certain real property and that his title in and to said real property be quieted against any claim or interest of the Defendants and that all Defendants who claim an interest in the real property described in the complaint adverse to Plaintiff be required to set forth and establish said claim or be forever barred therefrom. The owners of record of the real property described in the complaint are Roxie Viola Young and Charles Keen Young, both now deceased. Said real property is located in Oxford Township, Coshocton County Ohio, and described as containing 1.25 acres, more or less, (Parcel No. 029-00000543-00),and acquired by virtue of a Warranty Deed from Lucy Maple, a married person, dated June 16, 1944 and recorded in Volume 183, Page 293, Coshocton County Deed Records, a copy of which is attached to the complaint, and may also be obtained at the office of the Coshocton County Recorder, 349 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio. The property address is 57176 Township Road 261, West Lafayette, Ohio 43845. It is alleged that Plaintiff, Samuel D. Maple, is in possession of said real property and has occupied and used said property for a period of more than twenty-one (21) years and that his use has been continuous, exclusive, open, notorious and adverse to the rights of all other persons.
The above named Defendants are required to answer as to the allegations set forth in the complaint within twenty-eight (28) days after last publication which shall be published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff, Samuel D. Maple
413 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Telephone: (740) 622-3911
CCB: Jul 19, 26, Aug 2’17
Category: Legal Notices