Legal Notice

| October 16, 2018

common pleas court
In The Matter Of:
Estate of Thomas W. Knepper I

Mark W. Knepper and Scott A.
Knepper, Co-Administrators of the
Estate of Thomas W. Knepper I
Thomas W. Knepper II, et al.,
Case No. 21710063

Pursuant to court order in Case No. 21710063, In The Matter Of: Estate of Thomas W. Knepper, I, the following described real estate shall be offered for sale at public auction on November 12, 2018, at 4:00 P.M. at the premises at 703 Locust Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. Terms of the sale are 10% down by cash or check drawn on a solvent account. The real estate must sell for two-thirds (2/3) the appraised value of $10,000.00 and sale is “As is, Where is” and is subject to confirmation by the Coshocton County Probate Court. Closing and occupancy shall be thirty (30) days from date of sale with such reasonable extensions as may be required by purchaser’s bank. Sale is without contingencies of purchaser. The purchaser shall receive a Fiduciary’s Deed and title certificate of marketability of title. Purchaser shall purchase according to announcements by auctioneer on day of sale and purchase is without contingencies.

Situated in the City of Coshocton, County of Coshocton, and State of Ohio:
Being part of Out Lot 64, Coshocton Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, U.S.M.L., the City of Coshocton and also being the same premises conveyed to Richard J. & Martha L. Tompkins by Samuel G. Siegrist, Admin. of the Estate of Raymond A. Siegrist in Vol. 294, pg. 488 and more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a found ½ inch ID pipe located in the Northwest corner of Lot 617 (Old Lot #1) of Willis Wright’s Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book I, pg. 136,
thence N. 89° 31’ 21” W crossing North 8th Street, a distance of 44.00 feet to a found ½ inch ID pipe located on the west line of said North 8th Street,
thence N. 00° 28’ 39” E. along said North 8th Street west line, a distance of 35.84 feet to a found ½ inch ID pipe located on the south line of Locust Street,
thence N. 87° 31’ 21” W. along said Locust Street south line, a distance of 140.00 feet to a found I ½ inch round iron bar,
thence N. 87° 31’ 21” W. along said Locust Street south line, also being along the north line of the William & Lola Miller lands as recorded in Vol. 276, pg. 415, a distance of 44.90 feet to a found I inch square headed bolt and the true point of beginning,
thence S. 00° 20’ I 6” W. along said Miller lands, a distance of I3I.40 feet to a set ½ inch ID water pipe 36 inches Jong,
thence S. 00° 20’ 16” W. along said Miller lands, a distance of I 0. 00 feet to a set ½ inch ID water pipe 36 inches long located on the north line of the City of Coshocton lands as recorded in Vol. 325, pg. 919,
thence N. 89° 18’ IO” W. along said City of Coshocton lands, a distance of 44.52 feet to a set ½ inch ID water pipe 36 inches Jong located in the Southeast corner of the S.G. & T.L. Addy lands as recorded in Vol. 327, pg. 838, said pipe also being S. 89° I 8’ IO” E. a distance of 44.52 feet from a found concrete monument,
thence N. 00° 11’ 16” E. along said Addy lands, a distance of I 0.00 feet to a set ½ inch ID water pipe 36 inches long,
thence N. 00° 11’ 16” E. along said Addy lands, a distance of 131.78 feet to a set ½ inch ID water pipe 36 inches Jong located on the south line of Locust Street,
thence S. 88° 49’ 11” E. along said Locust Street south line, a distance of 44.90 feet to the true point of beginning,
The above described tract contains 0.145± acres. The above described tract is subject to any and all public and private easements and rights-of-way of record. The above described tract is subject to an existing 10 foot private alley off the South Side. Also granting to the above described tract the use of an existing 10 foot private alley to North 8th, Street.
Survey and description by James F. Gute, Registered Surveyor #5935, dated October, 1986.
Parcel No. 043-00004222-00

William M. Owens, Esq.
OWENS & MANNING LAW FIRM 413 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
(Pub: CCB Oct 17,24,31’18)

Category: Legal Notices

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