Library book discussion group up and running

| January 12, 2025

Coshocton Public library is offering a book discussion program for adults titled Bookmarked.

This is a book discussion program exploring fiction and non-fiction with two ways to participate. The Bookmarked Adult Book Club program is offered each month at two locations, the Coshocton Library from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and the Coshocton Senior Center on Browns Lane the fourth Tuesday of each month from 1-2 p.m. Copies of selected titles are available at the library one month prior to each meeting and registration is not required for either location.

The senior center group discussed “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. This was a drama novel about a fictional old Hollywood star who at age 79 gives a final interview to unknown journalist Monique Grant. Written by Amanda Montell an American author whose first book was “Wordslut: The Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language.”

April George co-director at the Coshocton Senior Center said the group meets there once a month. “They used to meet before COVID and we started up again in March of last year. We have a meeting here every month and it’s popular. We typically have eight to 10 people each time. Sometimes it has been more. We’ve had as many as 12 a couple times. We talk over the book on the list. We have flyers and a sheet we hang up with the book list. Kelly brings copies of the book and they can get a copy at the library as well. They can just go up to the counter and tell them you want a book for the book club and they will have them right there. ”

Librarian Kelly McCorkle said, “This is mostly for seniors or for people who may not want to drive in the evening. The library also has this event in the evening from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. We choose our book selection one year prior so we have a whole year of different books selected that we will be reading. I ask what they like to read for a little feedback and then sit on what they did or didn’t enjoy from last year’s selections and try to base it a little bit on that. It also depends on how many copies the library gets of each book. I try to pick a mix of different genres and a mix of nonfiction, mysteries so we can read a variety of different things. The library is part of a consortium that has over 100 library books. It’s a membership that we are a part of so that we can borrow from all of these different libraries. We try to choose books that have a lot of copies in the system. They can just borrow their books from the library and return them when they are done. It’s as easy as that. There is also digital services that we offer through Hoopla and  Libby apps. ”

McCorkle said, “I give them an opportunity for feedback on what books they would like. When it is time to select books for this year it gives me some good options of what books they would like to read. I try to take consideration from that. I usually have some discussion questions ready and sometimes you don’t really need those questions. I always prepare in advance just in case though. We also have a read a-likes list so if they enjoyed the book today, then here are some others you may also like.”

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