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Library closes in response to call to limit public gatherings

| March 16, 2020

In an effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and in response to Governor DeWine’s call to limit public gatherings, the Coshocton Public Library system will be closed to the public effective on Monday, March 16 and will remain closed until further notice.

Staff members will continue to work on site and will be available via phone or email at the Coshocton Public Library and West Lafayette Branch during normal, library hours. Reference help and other virtual assistance will continue to be provided. Wi-Fi will be accessible close to the library. While, drop boxes are available, patrons are encouraged to enjoy their resources a little longer, as overdue fines will be forgiven. Holds currently available at the library will be retained until reopening.

Library Director Jennifer Austin stated, “The decision to close the library to the public was not taken lightly. Ultimately, we know very little about COVID-19, but it is believed the virus can live for some time on materials. Given the shared nature of the library, it is best to close at this time.”

Patrons are reminded that the library offers digital resources that can be borrowed 24/7 from home with no overdue fines. A library card number and pin number are required to access digital materials. Call the library at 740-622-0956 or 740-545-6672 for more information.

The library hopes to resume full service as soon as possible, but will continue to abide by the recommendations of local and state health officials.

This is a rapidly evolving situation. Up-to-date information about the library can be accessed at www.coshoctonlibrary.org, Facebook, and Instagram. The community is encouraged to visit coronavirus.ohio.gov for information about COVID-19.



Category: People & Places

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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