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Library plans holiday fun

| December 1, 2014

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Public Library has planned an fun-filled, fact-filled December for children. Three programs are intended to help ages birth through sixth grade, and their families welcome the wonders of the winter holidays. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, from 5:30 – 6:15, at the West Lafayette Branch and on Monday, Dec. 15, from 5:30 – 6:30, at the main Library, children grades 2 – 6 are invited to explore “December Holidays Around the World” with crafts, stories and activities. Take a look at how holidays are celebrated throughout the world.

Wednesday, Dec. 10, Santa will be taking a small bit of time off from his busy schedule to stop in at the main Library from 6:00 – 6:30, followed by a sing-along with River View High School’s Certified Gold. Families won’t want to miss Santa and Songs, Too! a chance to share the joy of the season with traditional and familiar holiday songs by this select group of singers.

Finally, on Dec. 16, from 6:30 – 7:00, at the main Library, enjoy a quiet moment as the whole family climbs aboard for a reading of the holiday classic, “The Polar Express followed by hot chocolate. Children are welcome to wear pajamas and cozy up with Mom and Dad to listen to this magical tale.

All programs require registration. Call the main Library, 622-0956, or the branch Library, 545-6672 to sign-up.




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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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