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Living Well with Diabetes seminar offered

| November 3, 2014

DENNISON – In recognition of November as Diabetes Awareness Month, Trinity Hospital Twin City is inviting all area type I and type II diabetics and their family and supporters to Living Well with Diabetes. This free mini seminar will take place on Thursday, Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. at the hospital’s first floor St. Francis Conference Room at 819 N. First St.

Living Well with Diabetes will help diabetics learn ways to get the most out of life while managing their blood sugar levels at the same time. The mini seminar will open with a presentation by Lu Ann Beavers-Willis, MSN, RN, Certified Diabetes Educator. She will provide tips for eating healthy during the holiday season. Then, Dr. Maurice Stutzman, MD, Board Certified Family Physician with Trinity Medical Group, will share encouraging and motivating information and advice for leading a fulfilling life with diabetes. The event will conclude with a question and answer session.

Healthy snacks will be provided at Living Well with Diabetes, which will be hosted by the Trinity Hospital Twin City Community Outreach Department. To register for this free event, visit www.trinitytwincity.org or call 740-922-7450, ext. 2124.

Category: People & Places

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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