Local artists add colorful backdrop to children’s area at Clary Gardens

Ron Cummings, Melissa Maxwell and Jean Norris added a colorful backdrop to the children’s area at Clary Gardens. The three are members of the Coshocton County Artists Coalition and worked together to paint a bright, cheery scene on the fence at the children’s garden. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Ron Cummings, Melissa Maxwell and Jean Norris have added a colorful backdrop to the children’s area at Clary Gardens.
The three are members of the Coshocton County Artists Coalition and worked together to paint a bright, cheery scene on the fence at the children’s garden.
“I think it took us longer to plan than to paint,” Norris said.
Their first step was to paint the fence blue and then they added flowers, butterflies, birds and a smiley face sun.
“I like all the things that we hid on it like spiders and ladybugs,” Cummings said.
They also painted a large butterfly that was designed so children can stand in front of it and pretend they are one. The work of art also includes a bird painted in just the right position so children can act like it landed on their hand.
“It’s a nice place to come with kids,” Maxwell said.
This is not the only project that the Coshocton County Artists Coalition has worked on with Clary Gardens. The group also holds regular art shows in the red brick house at the gardens. The shows are the same weekends as plays at the Triple Locks Theater. Displays are based on the theme of the play with the next one planned for 3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, 13, and 20.
“There is a lot of talent in this group,” Maxwell said.
It’s also been a great support system for the artists.
“A lot of friendships have been made through this,” Norris said.
The group has been meeting at 5 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month at Clary Gardens, but the meeting location may change for winter. In addition to planning their next show, members are working on a display for the Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival at Roscoe Village. Serious artists are welcome to contact the group through its Facebook page. Maxwell currently serves as the group’s vice president and Shara Prindle is the president.
Category: Arts & Entertainment