Local Bounty Coshocton weekly update

| June 6, 2013

Local Bounty Shoppers – A rainy start to our market week, but we’ve got some great reasons to dodge the raindrops and head to LB this afternoon. Strawberries, salad greens, freshly baked bread, just to name a few.

As our market continues to grow, we want to remind you that all products in our store are grown or produced by our vendors. Guaranteed. We don’t allow our vendors to purchase and resell farm products.


Crumb Artisan Bread

A.J. West has joined us as a temporary vendor. This young local is making artisan bread creations available starting this week. A.J. starts culinary school (studying the art of bread making) in mid-September, so products will be available through then. This week a rustic artisan bread will be on the shelf. In the future you’ll also have the opportunity to purchase pretzel buns and other specialty artisan breads.


Garden Patch Greenhouse

Debbie and Kristy have decided to cease vending at the market. We miss the contributions they made already and we know many of you are missing their products too. So, we’re working on getting another greenhouse involved ASAP.

Handmade By Megan

I have a few new products for you this week. Brown Sugar Cinnamon Oatmeal for a quick healthy snack or breakfast. Onion soup Mix, which can be used as a dip, a dressing or with any meal that asks for an onion mix. It goes especially well with Local Bounty’s fresh veggies and meat. And for dessert, a sugar cookie mix that is quick and easy.

Keene Creek Farm

We have restocked all of our pork products for the opening of the market today (including our dry-cured, smokehouse, peppered bacon). In the cooler you’ll also find some of our salad greens and fresh basil (so, so good on flat breads, chopped in a salad, put on a grilled cheese sandwich, etc.). Lard is also now available in the red cooler. Use it for baking up a strawberry pie or frying potatoes in.


Strawberry Hill Farm
We’re enjoying a good crop of strawberries this season—the first in several years. We’ll be bringing lots of certified organic berries to the store this week. We’ll also bring salad mix, heads of romaine, and radishes. And we have some certified organic seedlings for your garden: heirloom and hybrid tomatoes, peppers, leeks, and sweet potatoes.

Wholesome Valley Farm, Strawberry Festival (this weekend)
The farm that supplies the cow milk and goat milk/cheeses to the market is having a Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 8 from 2 to 7 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to check out Wholesome Valley Farm’s retail farm market and to see some demonstrations. There will be a planting demonstration at 2 p.m., wagon tours of the farm from 3 to 5 p.m. and every half hour they’ll give away a quart of strawberries. They will also serve strawberry shortcake, strawberry pie and ice cream, hot dogs and iced tea. Wholesome Valley Farm is located at 927 U.S. 62, Wilmot, OH 44689. It’s a beautiful drive up into Holmes County.

Windy Hill Berry Farm & Vineyard
What beautiful weather the beginning of the week gave us. This week we will be bringing spinach (so versatile), fancy mixed salad greens, kale, radishes, romaine, and rhubarb. (We baked some rhubarb-orange sauce this week; it is delicious over pork and chicken.) Also eggs, homemade English muffins, Double Chocolate Quick Bread, and Rhubarb Quick Bread. Our strawberries will be ready next week. If we have an overabundance, we’ll bring them to the store.


Thanks so much for your continued support of our local food efforts.

– Local Bounty Vendors

p.s. Today (Thursday) 30+ retired school teachers from Columbus will stop at LB as part of a county tour. They’ll be at LB at 2:15. Depending on your schedule, you may want to plan your trip to the market before/after the group leaves. We’re very happy to host them and hope this doesn’t inconvenience anyone.

Local Bounty Coshocton, LLC
22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on facebook!

Store Hours:
Thursdays: 2 to 6 p.m.
Fridays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“Coshocton’s only year-round farmers market.”

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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