Local Bounty Update

| October 25, 2016

COSHOCTON – Manager Notes

Good morning, local foodies. It’s crisp outside and so are the apples that were just delivered. My favorites are Fuji and Granny Smith, which both are in stock.

Winter squash soup class is this Friday, and we have a few seats left. If you are interested, call Local Bounty at 740-622-1400.

We thank you for your support!

Have a fabulous week!

Best thoughts,


Vendor Updates

The Shepherd’s market – Introductions Part 4

“The Sisters”

As I’ve said before, Joseph is the youngest of nine children. His three big sisters, numbers two, three, and four, are all unmarried and still live on the farm, just across the road from the main house. They are an invaluable help, both on the farm, and as practically live-in babysitters (a job they all love).

Alma, the oldest, is retired after 16 years as the head cook at a local restaurant. She enjoys cutting firewood, growing flowers, and can often be found in the summer doing the tedious work of hand-weeding rows and rows of onions and popcorn. She has a quirky sense of humor, and loves riding her four-wheeler around the farm, picking up black walnuts to crack in the wintertime.

Katie is the next in line, a sweet soul who prefers woodworking and operating machinery, when she’s not cleaning house for someone or making candles. Katie is the one who will often pick up or deliver if Joseph can’t do it, or make the hay so he can. She also is the only one who has a real interest in the beekeeping, a skill she has put to good use at times, like catching a swarm last summer when nobody else was available. Katie also makes our granola, both the regular and gluten-free, and takes care of bottling our honey, recruiting the youngsters to help with labeling it.

Miriam is the youngest of the sisters, and the one most likely to be described as “ornery” and “spunky”, both of which fit her well. Her side job of choice is “sitting”, both children and the elderly, as well as houses and the occasional pet. She also enjoys gathering wild black walnuts and hickory nuts. She is the queen of minutia, reading every article in every paper we get, and managing the locations of every bag, box, jar and tote that we might possibly need “someday”. She gathers, cleans, sorts, and boxes hundreds of eggs a week. All of our bagging, weighing, and labeling is her domain. She sorts and packages all of the onions and potatoes we deliver to Local Bounty, and restocks the shelves at the farm store too.

Funny thing is, we rarely ever ask these things of them, but they do them anyway. We couldn’t possibly pay them enough to compensate for all that they do, and we couldn’t get them to stop if we wanted to! So, as they have all taken their turn delivering to Bounty, thank them when you see them. They do so much here, work that we would otherwise have to pay someone else to do, thus keeping your prices reasonable.  The Shepherd’s Fold would not be what it is without them!



Flying Pig Farm

Morning chores are getting down right chilly! Our next batch of baby chicks are keeping snug and warm in their brooder and are growing like crazy. Soon they’ll need to move into their coop where they’ll get a bit bigger before being let out to mingle with our laying hens. Enjoy these sunny days. That four letter “s” word will be here before we know it!



Our Garden

Our Garden had gotten a lot of rain this week. The great news is we needed it! The warm weather was also great, so our garden thinks it is spring! Lettuce and greens are really doing well. Come and get them before it gets too cold, because the cold and snow are coming!

The squash and pumpkin crops are all harvested. If you keep them in cool place or even in the refrigerator, they will store well. We have pumpkins that we grew last year still on display in the house for this year’s fall harvest. I love that the edible pumpkins keep well. You can use as a center piece now and then use as an edible serving piece for Thanksgiving.

Broccoli and cauliflower are maturing as well. Consider a warm soup with one of these fresh vegetables.

Thanks you for your continued support,

The Snyder Family.



Strawberry Hill Farm

Frosty nights mean the gardens will be going to sleep soon, but our kale row is still going strong. We’ve replenished our sweet peppers, kale and eggs at the store. One of our favorite ways to eat kale is to cut it in thin strips, sauté it with onions, and then scramble it with eggs. Melt a little cheese on top and it’s an easy, satisfying and healthy meal.



Mullet Apiaries

Impatient for your delicious honey to run down the jar to the opening? We have the solution. Introducing our one-pound inverted jar! Come in and check it out. We are also introducing our cute two oz. bears. These would go well in a gift basket, as favors at a dinner or just a fun little treat for the kids. This is sore throat and cough season. A spoonful of honey can sooth a cough and a hot drink of lemon, honey and hot water can be comforting as well. As always, we thank you for your business.



Bob’s Pickle Patch/ Verda’s Hens

We have 37 new baby chicks in our basement. They’ll be there about four more weeks and then out into their own chicken coop. It’s the crazy chicken math that keeps on multiplying our chickens. More eggs in the spring and some of them will be blue because we have five baby Easter eggers.

Thanks for shopping at Local Bounty and buying eggs.

The McGraws


As always thank you for your support!


Local Bounty Coshocton, Inc.
22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on Facebook!

Store Hours:
Tuesday – Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“Coshocton’s only year-round farmers market.”

Category: Business

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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