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Local Bounty Update

| May 30, 2017

Good afternoon Local Foodies! Hope you all had a great Holiday weekend!


Back in stock:

Feta cheese (Wholesome Valley Farm)

Gluten-free cookies, chocolate chip, peanut butter and buckwheat. The buckwheat is gluten-free and dairy-free.

(Wholesome Valley Farm)

Goats milk (Paint Valley Farm)


We will announce vegetables in stock on Facebook later this week or you can call in on Thursday to find out.


Class June 16th (Thursday)

Create your own salad dressings with Lady of the Veggies.

Cost: $10


Class is starting to fill up! If you are interested please call or email us!


We still have a few raffle tickets to be sold. Tickets are $10 apiece and it’s a chance to win a $500 gift card to Local Bounty.


Have a beautiful week!


Thank you for your support!


Best thoughts,



Mullet Apiaries –

Looks like the bees are getting down to work and the swarm season is dwindling. Many of our hives are building up honey stores. The locust and poplar trees are done blooming but the berry bushes, phlox, and multiflora are in bloom, with the coneflowers, bee balm, and sweet clover coming in for them to forage. Here’s a fact: honey bees do not forage on red clover as the shape of the blossom is too deep for them to collect the pollen and nectar. They prefer the white, sweet, and crimson clovers. Try muddling a couple of mint leaves in the bottom of a glass, add a teaspoon of honey, some ice, and your favorite brand of green or black tea for a refreshing summer drink. Thank you for your business!


Bob’s Pickle Patch/ Verda’s Hens

We will have lots of eggs from our free range and pastured hens.  Also we will have homemade wheat bread, sourdough bread, fresh strawberry jam, blueberry pies, and strawberry rhubarb pies.  Be sure to ask for a sample of the strawberry jam.

Thanks to all our loyal customers for shopping at Local Bounty.

The McGraws


Flying Pig Farm

We hope everyone had a nice weekend. This week will probably be the last that we have plants in the store. You can still order anything you want until June 3rd for delivery at the store by June 6th. After that whatever is left will go into our ever expanding garden! We will continue to have grass-fed marrow bones. They are now located in the left upright freezer. The good news is we will have an entire cow ready this fall and hopefully a continuous supply after that. Thanks for shopping local!


Rusty Plow Press Co.

Theresa (Berry) Drummond and Marissa (Berry) Mullett grew up in rural Coshocton County. It is also where they’ve decided to base their new business. These two young moms design shirts that celebrate their roots in rural Ohio. Three of their first designs are now available at Local Bounty – one features the Coshocton County Fair, another the Coshocton Flag, and the third the great Buckeye State. The shirts are screen printed so they’re super light and soft. We hope to make more original designs available through Local Bounty as the seasons change.


Keene Creek Farm

We have restocked some of the best-selling items out of our freezer: ham loaf and peppered bacon at the market. As all of our spring babies continue to grow (piglets, calves and chicks), we are busy, busy keeping up with all of them in addition to the mature livestock. We farrowed two litters of piglets we are selling as fair pigs to local 4-Hers. Hopefully many of them will be showed at the Coshocton County Fair this year – which will be so fun for us to see. Our two heifer calves are always on the go exploring the pasture together. And, there are now crows coming from the barn with our new “laying hens” in it. All of the new chicks were *supposed* to be pullets…but, it’s safe to say that is definitely not the case. There are at least six young roosters developing their crows in there all hours of the day. As always, we are grateful for your dedication to serving your family local food.


Strawberry Hill Farm

We are happy to announce a new “farm hand” at the farm! Carsten Gotwals Meyer was born to Chris and Erin on Friday, May 26. Everyone is doing fine, and we’re pleased as can be. This week we have more green onions at the store and also some romaine lettuce. Plus plenty of eggs from our hens on pasture.

Local Bounty Coshocton, Inc.
22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on Facebook!


Store Hours:
Tuesday – Friday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“Coshocton’s only year-round farmers market.”

Category: Business

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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