Local Bounty update
Good morning LB Shoppers: Spring officially arrives today and we are so, so ready for it.
Thanks for showing our new vendors so much support the past couple of weeks. The marinara sauces, coffee and pet treats have been great additions to our little local foods store.
No winter lasts forever; no spring skips it’s turn. – Hal Borland. Happy Spring everyone. 🙂 We have new products this week, herb teas! I will have 2 flavors in LB today. Mint Condition: A blend of Peppermint and Spearmint. Reset Button: Mellow your mood with a blend of Chamomile, Peppermint, Catnip, Lavendar, it is good iced as well. Available in loose tea form. I will have it in tea bags and tins next week! Breads this week: Rustic Baguettes, Deli Rye, French Boule, Pleasant Peasant.
Enrico’s Hot Peanuts
Our newest vendor will have product in the store late this week and if not by Saturday, it will definitely be there next Thursday. Enrico’s Hot Peanuts notches regular run-of-the-mill peanuts with fresh garlic and chilies to make an awesome and extremely addictive hot and spicy nut. Ginny’s products are made in NW part of the Buckeye State and are Ohio Proud. We’re happy to have her aboard.
Keene Creek Farm
Our hens are finally laying more than an egg or two a day. That means we have a few dozen eggs to share with you this week. Marissa has been working on re-packaging our line of dry mixes. This week the pizza dough mixes got a makeover. Our pork remains in good supply. We still have peppered bacon, bulk sausage and those delicious garlic and butter marinated loin chops (I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re having for dinner tonight). They’re so juicy and delicious. Our greenhouse is half seeded with Buttercrunch lettuce and spinach. The chives are starting to poke up through the soil – spring has almost sprung.
Sunnybrook Acres
Hi all! Spring is finally here and all of us here are very ready for warmer weather! The big news at our farm this week is the arrival of twin baby goats. They are very healthy and we love watching them jump around and play. We will be working at Local Bounty today from 10-2 and giving out samples of our shampoo bars while we’re there. Hope to see you there!
Wholesome Valley Farm
Our cheese product line has expanded. Last week we had our farm-fresh mozzarella cheese available at Local Bounty. It comes in a chunk or shredded (large and small packs). Sprinkle it on a salad, cover a piece of bread with it (and then broil) or smother your favorite pizza with it. No matter how you choose to eat it, it’s delicious.
Easter Cookie Decorating Class
Katie Hultz is having another cookie decorating class on Tuesday, March 25 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. If you’d like to reserve a seat, please call the market or e-mail us to do so. Cost is $25 and includes two hours of instruction, lots of supplies (some to even take home) and more.
Thank you all for your continued support.
– Local Bounty Vendors
Local Bounty Coshocton, LLC
22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on facebook!
Store Hours:
Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fridays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Category: People & Places