Local Bounty update
Good morning LB Shoppers – Once again, there is so much to share in this week’s update. Just to highlight a few new things in the market this week…a new coffee roast from Pink Elephant (Colombia Excelso Huila), rhubarb bread from Windy Hill, Bak Choi from Salad Bar Farms. Oh, and sprouts are back from Flying Pig Farm.
Welcome Sarah McIntosh
We are thrilled to announce the official hire of LB’s first employee. Welcome to the Local Bounty family, Sarah McIntosh. She is a graduate of Coshocton High School and Dennison University. Sarah will work two shifts a week at Local Bounty in addition to our vendor volunteers.
Bart’s Rockin’ Brats -n- Dogs
Bart Winegar will be back at LB this week grilling up some brats and hot dogs. Come grab a late breakfast or lunch from him. Guaranteed delicious.
Princess Cookie Decorating Class
Katie Hultz is calling all princesses and their mothers/grandmothers to participate in her next cookie/cupcake decorating class. On Tuesday, April 29 from 5;30 to 7:30 p.m. at LB Katie will show pairs how to decorate an adorable cupcake/cookie combo tutu. All little princesses much be accompanied by an adult. Registration is $40 each pair. To register, sign up at Local Bounty or respond to this e-mail.
Save the Dates
Looking ahead to a couple big events Local Bounty is involved with, we want you to mark your calendars now for the following dates…
Kids Cooking Camp: July 28-Aug. 1 (mornings – more details coming)
Farm to Table Dinner: Saturday, Sept. 6 (evening – more details coming later this spring)
Now, on to our vendor updates:
Flying Pig Farm
Sprouts are back this week! Each variety tastes like a milder version of the mature plant. Try sprouts lightly blanched and chilled on salads, sandwiches and more. We like them cooked in stir fry too. Granola will be on sale this week so try some today!
Hello all! Hope your spring is coming along nicely. This week we will have big French Boule, they are perfect for sandwiches, french toast, garlic bread! I will also have Peace, Love, Chocolate Bread, which would make an amazing french toast. Plain Jane Granola will also be re-stocked. Next week look for a Gluten-Free crusty loaf!! Thanks everyone and enjoy your day 🙂
Keene Creek Farm
Freshly picked baby Bloomsdale spinach is back this week. It is so tender and sweet. The batch that’s growing right now is in the hoop house on our back hill. We also have buttercrunch lettuce and another mixed lettuce growing in there – but both are at least two to three weeks away from harvest. We’ve also picked some chives to sell. They can brighten up a gourmet dish or simple baked potato in a jiffy. Our pork supply is holding steady, but we have started to run out of a few things. Right now we have in stock: brats (mild Italian, cheese, bratwurst), peppered bacon, hocks, breakfast sausage (bulk & patties), ham steaks, marinated loin chops (just a couple packs left), and little piggies. We know many of you are already missing the ham loaf, but we won’t have any more available until June.
Mullet Apiaries
With all the beautiful weather we are having lately, the honey bees are beginning to ramp up for the spring nectar flow. In other words, the queen is laying lots of brood so that they will be adult workers just about the time everything is flowering. They go out and gather the nectar that becomes the flavorful honey you find on our shelf. A single bee makes only about 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey during her entire life. Notice the “her”? The drone, or male bee, does no work and is only there to mate with the queen, dying immediately after mating. The next time you spread our delicious honey on your toast or corn muffin, remember how many of those little ladies worked very hard to make your day sweeter. Thanks to all our loyal customers – we appreciate you!
Pink Elephant Coffee
Come and get your weekly supply of freshly roasted coffee beans! This week we’ll be offering Tanzania Peaberry, Organic Mexican Decaf and — a new one — Colombia Excelso Huila. This light roast from the Huila region of Colombia has low acidity and a silky body with hints of nut, lemon, fruit and toffee.
Rosemary’s Baked Goods
Will have all her breads, dinner rolls, cookies, fruit and cream pies this week. Also fudge, buckeyes, zucchini and banana nut bread. Try a fry pie also. Thanks to all of you for shopping at the Bounty and to all of you who buy my product.
Salad Bar Farms
Fresh from our greenhouse this week we will have Bak Choi. Kale and other live lettuces will also be available as they have been for the past few weeks.
Simple Gourmet Products
While we are best known for our diverse line of syrups, including our best-selling Shagbark Hickory syrup, we brought some butternut squash up from our root cellar to sell at LB last week. Grab them while they last.
Windy Hill Farm Update
RHUBARB…We were finally able to harvest enough spring rhubarb to make a batch of our long-awaited for Rhubarb Pecan Bread! It’s nutty and very sweet, not tart at all. It should be down at the store by 3:00 Thursday. Enjoy the beautiful weather this week and give someone a smile.
Local Bounty Coshocton, LLC
22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on facebook!
Store Hours
Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fridays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Category: People & Places