Local Bounty Update

| January 8, 2015

Good Morning,

Put on that extra pair of socks and bundle up in your favorite snow suite!  We are open today and tomorrow 10-6 and Sat. 9-1.

Did you know?

We have LIVE lettuce in the store today, that’s right, its alive!  This means that it lasts longer and has more nutrients.  What a fresh green treat to have in the cold of winter.  You can even place the root ball in a small glass of water and re-grow a little lettuce!

Vendor updates:

Flying Pig Farm

Brrrr! With the wind chill I decided not to bring the munchkin to town so I won’t have any baked goods this week. I will restock next week since it’s supposed to be in the balmy 30’s! 🙂 We still have a couple of gift packages available. They would make an excellent care package for a sick friend or neighbor. Hope you all stay warm!


Bundle up and get on out to LB today!  Pick up some of my White Winter Chai to take off the chill.  It is great with cream and sugar and just a splash of coffee, a perfect drink for today.   I will be dropping off Ma’s Banana Bread around 11:30 as well, which is packed with Bananas and lovely toasted with butter!  There will also be a new tea blend but you have to stop in to see what it is, hint hint it starts with Green 🙂


Keene Creek Farm

The hogs have extra bedding and large space in the barn to hang out in these frigid temperatures. They don’t venture too far from feed, water and warmth when it is this bitter cold out. Brr. We still have a wide selection of pork products available in our freezer. Ham loaf, ham steaks, sausage varieties, brats, roasts, bacon and more. Marissa is working at LB from 10 to 2 today and will have some sausage patties for you to sample. We will also have herb mixes back in stock (although this will be the last round of them). The Vegetable Herb Dip Mix is a great beef roast seasoning – just throw in a tablespoon or two and simmer away.

Mullet Apiaries

The bees had a few warm days last week to rearrange their cluster in the hives and even go out to do their business, but now they are back inside keeping warm (92 degrees) and dry. But there is plenty of honey on the shelf at the Local Bounty. The weather outside is well, just plain cold and you say you have a scratchy throat? Here’s a soothing mix – take one tablespoon of honey, some lemon juice and hot water, stir and sip slowly. It will comfort that sore throat. For those of you who make lip balm, you will find more wax on our shelves as well. Stay safe and stay warm out there!

Strawberry Hill Farm
Brrrr! It’s bitterly cold outside, but the gardens are at least covered with a blanket of snow. Ron harvested a lot of kale right before the temperature plunged, so we’ll have a good amount at the store again, besides our fresh farm eggs. Keep warm!

Windy Hill Farm
What do you do when it’s cold outside? Crank up the oven and bake some Rhubarb-Pecan Bread! Did you know that rhubarb is a vegetable, not a fruit? However, it is commonly used as a fruit. Also, Ben Franklin is credited with being one of the first people to send rhubarb seeds to the American Colonies. Thanks Mr. Franklin. (The bread should be at the store by 11:00 on Thursday.) Happy New Year everybody!

Thank you,

–Local Bounty Vendors

Local Bounty Coshocton, Inc.
22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on facebook!

Store Hours:
Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fridays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

“Coshocton’s only year-round farmers market.”

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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