Local couple wins OSU raffle package

Raffle Winners: Debbie and Wayne Hilliard were the winners of the Ohio State raffle package that supports the Carol A. Deeds Memorial Scholarship Fund at The Coshocton Foundation. Pictured from left, in front are Debbie and Marilyn Bechtol, Carol’s sister, and in back are Wayne and Dawn Shook, Carol’s daughter. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers
COSHOCTON – Wayne Hilliard thought the only place he’d ever see the Ohio State Buckeye’s play was on television, but he and his wife will be enjoying the Saturday, Nov. 29 game against Michigan in style.
The couple won a raffle that supports the Carol A. Deeds Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Coshocton Foundation. Included in their prize are a two night stay at a four star hotel, valet parking, two game tickets, Buckeye apparel, cash, a prepaid visa, a free shuttle to and from the game, admission to a tailgate party and Sunday breakfast.
“This is the first time we ever bought a ticket for this,” said Debbie Hilliard, Wayne’s wife. “We didn’t expect to win. We just felt it was a donation to a worthy cause.”
The couple found out about the raffle while at the V.F.W. 1330.
“We were really excited and thankful to win,” Debbie said.
Marilyn Bechtol, who is Deed’s sister, said she sold a lot of tickets in the V.F.W.
“They were very generous to us,” Bechtol said.
Dawn Shook, one of Deed’s daughters, is impressed with how much the community has gotten behind the raffle held to support her mother’s scholarship.
“There are business people supporting this cause that don’t have a firsthand interest in it,” Shook said. “Our community is fantastic.”
This is the second year for the raffle and the first time someone local has won it. Shook said 50 percent of the proceeds went to her mom’s scholarship fund and 50 percent went to Edison High School to help a lady she partners with.
“Five hundred to 600 tickets total were sold,” Shook said. “It was our best year ever. I thank the community for all of its support for our cause.”
According to The Coshocton Foundation, the Carol A. Deeds Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Carol’s children and other family members to honor her memory. The intent of the fund is to provide a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior from one of the county’s four secondary schools (Coshocton, Ridgewood, River View and the Career Center). The award rotates among the schools.
“She was all about education,” Bechtol said. “She would be very proud that we are doing this.”
Deeds passed away in 1997 at the age of 46 due to a lung problem, but the family didn’t establish her memorial scholarship until several years later.
“We took a while to think about what we wanted and what we thought her name represented,” Shook said. “She was a humble leader and was pretty quiet, but even though it was a challenge for her to take a shower because of her breathing problems she still volunteered at church, the fire department, the Salvation Army and donated to United Way.”
Bechtol agreed with her niece.
“She (Carol) was always helping and never asked for anything in return,” Bechtol said.
The family plans to continue on with its OSU raffle fundraiser. Shook said she believes next year there will be two packages given away. Tickets will start being available in the spring and are $10.
“My Aunt, Uncle and Mom didn’t have the opportunity to further their education, but they knew the value in helping others get there,” Shook said. “I think my sister (Denise Smith) and I and our children can learn a lot from what we are doing. Great things come from small ideas.”
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