Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp planned

| June 6, 2017

COSHOCTON – OSU Extension and Local Bounty Coshocton are collaborating to offer the fifth annual Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp this summer. This year the format for the camp will change from that of years past. The single day, daylong event will feature teaching from Local Bounty Coshocton vendors who are farmers right here in our community.

Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp will be Tuesday, July 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. The theme is “Know Your Farmer! Know Your Food!” Rotations will include honey, cheese, eggs, vegetables, hamburgers and more. Children will rotate from station to station throughout the day learning about agriculture, nutrition and, of course, cooking.

Children ages 6-12 who have an interest in cooking are encouraged to register for this day camp. Each participant will receive accessories to help with their food preparation.

Registration forms are available at the Coshocton Extension Office, at coshocton.osu.edu or at Local Bounty Coshocton. Completed registration forms must be returned to the Coshocton Extension Office, 724 S. Seventh St., Room 110, with the $15 registration fee by the July 19 deadline. Space is limited to the first 40 registrants. Call 740-622-2265 with questions.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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