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Local resident publishes cookbook

| June 30, 2014

WARSAW – Anne Komorowski of Warsaw has been cooking since she was seven years old and has been collecting cookbooks since she was 14. With her mother working to help provide for the family, Komorowski helped her mother by shouldering some household responsibilities by learning to cook.

“I remember going to Mom with a cookbook and asking, ‘What’s this word, Mom?’” Komorowski said. “It was cinnamon. My Mom went through the Depression and didn’t have anything, so when she started working and had a few pennies, I started doing a lot of the cooking.”

Recently, Komorowski published her second book, a cookbook that features all of her favorite recipes from the more than 5,000 cookbooks she has collected over the years. She even has cookbooks dating back to the 1800s.

“I’ve used these recipes for years,” said Komorowski. “My kids grew up on these. My son’s a good cook. I’m very proud of him. He’s very self-sufficient.”

The cookbook took five years for Komorowski to complete and publish. It is suitable for every level of cooking. Not only does it contain recipes, but also helpful tips on the meaning of everyday cooking terms.

Komorowski hopes people will use her book to take more time to cook for their families. Her book is available through her or through Trafford Publishing at Trafford.com. She also published a book several years ago entitled, “Woman to Woman: Abortion vs. Biological Clock”.


Category: People & Places

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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