Local youth shoots dream buck

Jace McQueen is pictured with the buck he shot on opening day of deer gun season. Contributed | Beacon
WEST LAFAYETTE – Practice, planning and patience paid off for Jace McQueen during deer gun season.
The 11-year-old shot his first buck on opening day, Monday, Nov. 26, while hunting with his dad Josh and a group of others on private property. According to Josh, the buck had 15 points that could be scored.
“I was amazed,” Jace said.
He and his dad were out all morning and came across Jace’s buck after breaking for lunch.
“We had his lucky ham sandwiches for lunch,” Josh said.
He and Jace knew the buck was out there, but weren’t expecting to see him.
“We had pictures of him (on the trail camera), but it was always at night,” Josh said.
When the buck stepped out, Jace didn’t hesitate to take his opportunity.
“He made the perfect shot,” Josh said. “He was right on the edge of how far Jace has practiced shooting, but he didn’t skip a beat. I asked him if he wanted to shoot it or wanted me to. He said he would and when he had a clear shot he dropped him. A lot of guys wait their whole life to get a buck like that, but he got it at 11-years-old.”
Josh has several bucks mounted at home, but nothing was as exciting as watching Jace get his first one.
“I couldn’t text enough people after he shot it,” Josh said. “He’s been walking out in the woods with me since he was 6. He started out caring a stick and then he moved up to a BB Gun and then a 410 (shotgun). He had to qualify at home with his gun though before he could go out with it. Safety is our number one rule.”
Jace shot his buck with a 20 gauge shotgun. He also has gone bow hunting and enjoyed squirrel hunting this year.
“I went squirrel hunting in the fall and that helped me be steadier when I shot,” Jace said.
He is getting his deer mounted by Tristan Mizer from Beyond Precision Taxidermy LLC in Guernsey, but this isn’t the end of deer season for Jace. He plans to do some more hunting with his dad.
“All we eat is deer meat,” Josh said. “We have a freezer to fill and Jace is helping be a provider for the family.”
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