Lori Parrish opened Lori’s Hilltop Market at 2100 Cambridge Road. She is pictured with her sons, Pablo and Alex Velasco. (Josie Sellers)
Owning her own business is a dream come true for Lori Parrish, who recently opened Lori’s Hilltop Market.
The new business is open Monday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 2100 Cambridge Road. Featured in the store are fresh produce and homemade baked goods, candles, lotions, wax melts and crafts. Parrish also will take special orders.
“I’ve been keeping my eye out for an opportunity like this,” Parrish said. “It’s been a dream of mine for the last 12 years. I started at the farmers’ market and fell in love with doing this.”
Parrish’s current selection of veggies are straight from her own garden, except for the tomatoes and peaches.
“I will have some produce from others, but about 80% of it will be what I’ve grown,” Parrish said. “I enjoy being outdoors and nature. It’s hard work to get things planted, but when I see that first green bean, I can’t wait to start picking.”
Parrish’s merchandise also will change with the season, starting with this fall when customers can pick up mums.
This winter she plans to add a kitchen to the store so she can do all her baking on-site. In the spring she hopes to have her deli set up, which will feature homemade macaroni salad.
Helping out at the shop will be Parrish’s two sons, Pablo and Alex Velasco.
“I live three houses down,” Parrish said. “When this went up for sale, God told me this was what I’ve been looking for.”
Lyn Merrell was excited to see Parrish open her own store.
“We’ve tasted her baked goods and other things she’s brought to Shepherd’s Christian Assembly,” Merrell said. “We already knew how great they were and that she’s a talented lady in every way. We’re excited because we live nearby. We can just back out of our driveway and come on up.”
Parrish will hold a grand opening for her business on Saturday, Aug. 1 with a door prize and free food. For more on the business, visit the store’s Facebook page, Lori’s Hilltop Market.
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