Luncheon honors foster grandparent program volunteers

Volunteers: Volunteers serving with the Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) Foster Grandparent Program were honored at a luncheon. Pictured from l-r: Front Row: Faith O’Leary, Union Elementary School; Earlene Scofield, Central Elementary; Joyce Thomas, Central Elementary; Diana Caton, Central Elementary; Goldie Rauch, Kids Campus; Beverly Schleich, Kids Campus; Maxine Dunmire, Bonnie Milhoan, and Peg Treat, all serving at Coshocton Head Start; Back Row: Jolene Barker, Kids Campus; Caroline Ray, Central Elementary School; Gary Goosman, COAD Senior Programs Director; and Debbie Taylor, program coordinator. Missing from photo is Rose Jones, Central Elementary School. Photo contributed to The Beacon
MOUNT VERNON – Volunteers serving with the Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) Foster Grandparent Program were honored at a luncheon Oct. 4, at the Mount Vernon Developmental Center’s Great Room in Mount Vernon. This annual event brings recognition to the senior program volunteers serving children in Ashland, Coshocton, Holmes, Knox, Licking, Morrow and Richland County educational facilities.
The theme of the event was “Time and Devotion” with each volunteer receiving a desk clock. Debbie Taylor, Area IV program coordinator, spoke to the volunteers, “This ‘time’ comes from your heart and really cannot be measured. Your ‘devotion’ to this program and especially the children you serve not only makes a difference now, but will continue to show in generations to come. What a wonderful legacy you are leaving to these children. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do to make this program a success.”
Gary Goosman, COAD Senior Program Director, also expressed his gratitude to the volunteers for their service.
Although unable to attend, letters of appreciation for years of service were presented to the volunteers from Congressman Bob Gibbs’ office.
New volunteers were honored with a ribbon and FGP shield pin. From Coshocton County are: Jolene Barker, Kids Campus Child Care; Faith O’Leary, Union Elementary School; and Earlene Scofield, Central Elementary School.
Coshocton County volunteers receiving a pin and certificate for one year of service were: Bonnie Milhoan and Peg Street, Coshocton County Head Start; and Caroline Ray, Central Elementary.
The COAD Foster Grandparent Program is a volunteer opportunity for seniors 55 and older that can give 15 to 40 hours per week of their time. If income eligible, a modest hourly stipend and mileage reimbursement is paid to the volunteer. For information, contact Debbie Taylor at 740-392-6251.
The Foster Grandparent Program is funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a part of National Senior Corps, Ohio Department of Aging and local contributions.
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