Main Street holiday greens going up

| November 8, 2013

COSHOCTON – As the weather turns cooler, the Coshocton is Blooming Committee has been making plans to help spruce up Main Street for the holiday season.

The committee is organizing three days to assemble the holiday baskets using greens from trees donated by Bill and Carol Freud. Lawn Barber is lending a hand with cutting down the trees and hauling the greens to the fairgrounds.

CIB is looking for volunteers to help fill the hanging baskets with greens Monday through Wednesday, Nov. 18-20. Work will be done from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the art hall.

Baskets will be hung in time for the Christmas Parade on Friday, Nov. 22. For information, call Connie Miller at 622-6569 and leave a message.

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Category: Clubs & Organizations, People & Places

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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