Mann earns top sales person title with Initials Inc.

Susie Mann
COSHOCTON – Susie Mann’s dedication and commitment to selling Initials Inc. products earned her the company’s top sales person title for 2018.
“When I first started selling Initials Inc. my goal was to be the person in the community whose name is associated with the company,” she said. “Over the course of six years I’ve worked hard to build my business. I’m not pushy. I just inform people of our deals and sales and let them know what’s out there.”
Initials Inc. is located in Clarksville, Ga. It is a direct sales company that specializes in personalized bags, purses, accessories and wearables.
“We are very diverse and becoming even more so,” Mann said. “You will see in the spring catalog that we are more than just bags.”
Mann started with Initials Inc. after doing research on ways to add income to her family.
“I liked that the founder and CEO is as committed to all of us as we are to her,” she said. “We truly are family and they care about us.”
She also loves the products.
“My favorite is the One Trip Wonder,” Mann said. “It’s so versatile. You can use it at the beach, to haul kids’ laundry home from college or for toys. It works for all ages.”
In addition to being the company’s top sales person this past year, she also has consistently been in the top 10 list of sales people.
“When you do that you are part of the elite product council and get to help decide what goes into the next line,” Mann said. “They started that three years ago and I’ve been on it every single time.”
Another award the company offers is the Go-Getter.
“All creative partners that sell $30,000 or more in the company’s selling year receives this award,” Mann said. “I’ve received it each year for the past five and will be awarded with it again this year at our annual conference in July.”
Her advice to others in the direct sales business is to persevere.
“The first year for me was really all about building my business,” Mann said. “I had to let people know I was out there and then it took off. I have great customers and hostesses.”
For more on Initials Inc., visit
Category: Business