Markley recognized for 30 years of service

Pictured is John Porteus, Chairman of the Coshocton FSA Committee, presenting Darla Markley with an award recognizing her 30 years of continuous service with the FSA office.
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Farm Service Agency (FSA) recently recognized Darla Markley of West Lafayette for 30 years of continuous service with the FSA office. Darla started out as a part time Office Clerk in 1983 for what was then the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). She was hired into a permanent position in 1984 and has been working for Coshocton County farmers ever since.
Darla has earned numerous recognitions over the years for her local administration of Title 1 Farm Bill programs. Past awards highlights include recognition for exceptional administration of Price Support programs in 1997, leadership in transition to the new Farm Bill regulations in 2002, and program administration during staff shortages in 2012. Darla also received Ohio Farm Service Agency’s Outstanding American Conservationist Award in 2006 for her efforts in implementing the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
Darla was presented with a certificate and keepsake item commemorating her milestone with the agency. This presentation was made by the Coshocton County FSA Committee.
Category: People & Places