Mark’s Musings – April 11, 2018

Mark Fortune
I guess it all depends on where you live in the county whether Monday’s snow counts as number three or number four after the forsythia bloom. And for all those that are thinking, “Jeez, is the forsythia thing all this guy can think of to write about,” my response is that I did not create the weather. I am just following up on a rural myth or old wives tale or whatever category this fits in. Wait until late this week. As they say in Ohio, if you wait 24 hours the weather will change. The prediction is for 70 degrees on Thursday and 77 on Friday followed by a warm Saturday but some rain. We’ll take it.
Despite the chilly weather and blanket of snowfall on Saturday morning, volunteers gathered at Lake Park for the annual clean-up. Following a somewhat rough winter and lots of flooding at Lake Park, there was plenty to do. Meanwhile, in Roscoe Village, the adult Leadership Class worked on their class project which was to replace some railroad ties and brick for the sidewalk near the village center and totally replace the fencing around Eliza’s garden. As you head towards Coshocton on U.S. 36 with Roscoe Village on your right, take a quick – quick – look at the canal level and you can see a bright new wooden fence. You have to go into the village proper to see the sidewalk repairs.
All of this work was performed by volunteers in our community – people that care about how we look to the rest of the world and are willing to take a piece of their valuable time and contribute to something larger than themselves. This spirit runs deep in Coshocton County.
This was very clear at the annual Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce dinner held Friday evening, April 6 at the Lake Park pavilion. A sold out crowd watched as Dr. Robert Gwinn was honored and recognized as the 2018 recipient of the Coshoctonian Award. You can read more about the lifetime of service by Dr. Gwinn and the other very deserving award recipients inside this issue of The Beacon.
Have you registered to vote in the May 8 primary? County wide Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is placing a 1 mill levy on the ballot while two separate issues are on the ballot for city residents. The Beacon will be exploring those two city issues in the April 18 issue.
With the 2018 Major League baseball season in full swing and most teams having played eight or nine games at this point, the Indians are in second, the Pirates are in first and the Reds are in last place in their respective divisions. But a couple of dramatic plays for the Tribe, some key players on the injury list but on the mend bodes well for what can happen in 2018 for the boys from Cleveland.
The Beacon’s annual spring sports section is inside this week’s issue with photos, rosters and schedules for area high school track, tennis, softball and baseball teams. The cold and rainy weather is playing havoc with schedules at this point but warmer weather is in the forecast. Thanks to everyone that made it possible for us to provide this section to our readers! We appreciate it.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion