Mark’s Musings – August 1, 2018

Mark Fortune
As you look around Coshocton County positive signs of unity and working together to move our community forward are plentiful. People of many groups and organizations are collaborating to make things happen – and they are. Some might wonder – what is happening exactly? Keep watching.
This is not anything new – the people of Coshocton County have always known that there is strength in unity and this harkens back to what some might call the glory days of the 1950’s, 1960’s and even in to the 70’s and 80’s. We were fortunate then to have leaders with the vision to set things into motion that continue to serve our community today. The Coshocton Foundation, Leadership Coshocton County and many other organizations that are helping to fund worthy causes and help train adult and youth leaders for the future of Coshocton County. We are grateful now to have leaders with vision, positive attitudes and a willingness to work together. That is the only way that we will truly see our growth potential realized.
This unity and collaboration is evident on the business side of the ledger, in the government sector, across education and in the faith based community throughout the area.
Sunday morning’s UNITE event at River View High School was a wonderful example of area youth, worship leaders and congregations coming together in one place to celebrate the word of God. There are communities spread across this land – the land of the free and the home of the brave – where this would not be possible or – even allowed. Thankfully we live in a community that embraces our youth and the freedom they have to express themselves and we also have the leaders in place that are not afraid to take a stand for what they also believe in.
For another area church it was community impact day – with NewPointe Community Church out and about in Coshocton County helping to improve the lives of many. Thank you to all of those people and thank you Chad Olinger.
Another example of positivity is the group that is working hard to finish the four lane corridor from Columbus to Pittsburgh. Only 47 miles of a 160 mile long corridor still need completed to continue the economic growth that our area is realizing – much of this from the oil and gas industry. A public press conference was held on Tuesday, July 31 to continue the process of moving this project forward. As I write this column on Monday – July 30 – obviously the meeting is yet to be held. Updates to our readers will come later.
As we move full into the month of August much has been accomplished in our community this year. More remains to be done. Working together is the only way whether this is in large groups or small.
For those that attended the Frontier Power annual meeting on Friday evening at River View High School it was another fantastic turnout. Often called the social event of the summer, it brings people together that don’t see each other except maybe once or twice a year. A lot of folks work hard to put this event on each year. Thank you.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion