Mark’s Musings – August 23, 2017
Mark Fortune
Perhaps it is in the cards for the Cleveland Browns to have a winning season when the moon and stars align. WAIT JUST A MOMENT HERE! That is going to happen TODAY – in fact, this afternoon. Yes, according to the expert of all experts, per the internet the sun is considered a star. I imagine everyone knows about the total solar eclipse by now. You also know that Ohio is not in the ideal spot and we will not see a total solar eclipse. But close. The question is this – is that enough to trick the football gods into sending the Browns into the land of the over-achiever? We will see. Just remember to not stare directly at the scores. It might hurt. Let’s just hope it is not cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
This cannot continue. The war on our nation’s law enforcement officers has to stop. How to make this happen I don’t know. But it is more than troubling – it is downright pathetic, tragic and sorrowful to choose a few words.
And regardless of your position on the status of Confederate monuments, the tragedy that unfolded in Charlottesville, Virginia cannot and should not be tolerated by our citizens. To peacefully demonstrate is one thing but can that – or does that – even happen anymore? Where will this go? Could the government, in a case made for the safety of all citizens, determine that demonstrations over a certain number of people are no longer lawful and allowed? We need to be very cautious in how we view the positions taken on the left and on the right. Our very rights could be at stake.
The 2017 high school football season is almost here. Local teams are ready and raring to go with two new head coaches rounding out the local scene at River View and Newcomerstown. Both schools bring a former graduate and player to the head coaching helm. The Beacon is pleased to bring you photos, schedules and coaches comments in the 2017 Football Preview section as part of this week’s Beacon. Thanks to all of the area businesses and organizations that helped sponsor area teams and allowed us to publish this section. Thanks to local photographers at Lenzo Studio and Seibert Studios for providing the photos. Without the help from them, coaches and school athletic staff, this section would not be possible. Thank you!
Locally, teachers, administrators, staff and students will be returning to the classrooms this week at Coshocton and Ridgewood while River View already has a week under their belt.
At times, I like to let our readers know the direction of the editorial cartoons that we have to choose from each week – the word cartoon being used quite loosely here. We have eight to choose from and some are hardly fit to print while others take a disturbingly left or right wing view. Something happened this week though. While the past few months have seen a weekly offering of Trump bashing a couple of the more “middle of the road” ones took a different turn this week, particularly with the North Korea situation. Obviously, the cartoon on this page speaks for itself. You can only kick the can down the road so long before it hits the proverbial brick – or any type of material – wall so to speak. We may be at the wall.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion