Mark’s Musings – August 9, 2017

Mark Fortune
On the weather scale July will certainly go down as an unusual month – especially with regard to the amount of rainfall received. At least today (Monday) it seems that August may follow suit. Temperatures in the 60’s? Is this October or April? No doubt parents all over the county are surmising that as soon as school starts the temperatures will climb into the 80’s or 90’s. Let’s hope not but it seems to be par for the course if memory serves.
This is a great week in Coshocton County. The annual United Way of Coshocton County “Taste of Coshocton” will be Thursday, August 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Park Pavilion. This is your opportunity to help support this great organization that does so much for so many in our community. Come on out and help support this great cause!
It’s almost that time. The Buckeyes first game is a Thursday night affair against Indiana on August 31. The big early game that looms for this season’s campaign is a Saturday night game at home against Oklahoma on Sept. 9. This will be an early test for the Buckeyes and they will be ready.
Speaking of ready, are you ready for another year of school? Of course, this does not affect everyone but the impact is certainly felt across the community with safety being a solid concern to watch for the youngsters as they cross the street and wait at school bus stops throughout Coshocton County. You might want to review the traffic rules for approaching a slowing or stopped school bus before school starts!
Have you ever considered how many folks it takes to prepare for another year of school? Administrators and staff, maintenance folks, janitorial staff, contractors doing repairs on roofs and interiors, IT folks, all of the planning that goes into the curriculum, hiring decisions to fill open positions and many more. Those in our community that do the oftentimes behind the scenes work to prepare so that teachers can ready our young people to take their place in the world. You never know when that one child will come along that has the cure for cancer somewhere in their future. That nurturing and guiding of a young person is not taken lightly by our local teachers, coaches, administrators or staff.
Local athletes are gearing up for another fall sports season with cross country, volleyball, football and soccer teams practicing and putting in the long hours necessary to compete at a high level. Coaches, parents, boosters and friends that support our youngsters deserve a pat on the back. Members of high school marching bands are rehearsing their routines for their own version of top performance. If you don’t think these young people work hard, think again. Marching in a hot uniform, standing with an instrument or performing at halftime on a Friday night and then getting up early on a Saturday morning to head to a band competition takes a lot of energy and work. Somewhere in there all of these youth try and squeeze in their homework assignments!
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion