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Mark’s Musings – December 12, 2018

| December 11, 2018

Mark Fortune11

Well, here we go! Christmas is two weeks away and hopefully you have some packages already wrapped and under the tree. The winter sports season is in full swing with wrestling, swimming, basketball and even a new girls and boys bowling team at River View. This is another great opportunity to showcase our community as more folks from out of the area will be coming to Legacy Lanes. Anyone that has had – or does- have youngsters involved in athletics knows that the fast food drive thru and eat stands sometimes get a bit tiring – although we know that those eat stands can serve up a mean Coney dog and fantastic popcorn along with many other choices and always friendly faces. They are under appreciated for sure. Remember, the funds generated at games typically goes to the various booster clubs to help a lot of area kids.

But sometimes you want to wander out to a sit down dining establishment and the sports season is an opportunity for area restaurants to strut their stuff so to speak.

Are the cold temperatures an indicator of winter to come? Since we skipped out on spring and pretty much skipped fall could winter be here to stay – already? Let’s hope not. A wet fall still has corn and soybeans waiting to be harvested in some fields around Coshocton County.

The news out of Columbus with Coach Urban Meyer announcing that the Rose Bowl will be his final game coaching the scarlet and gray did not come as a big surprise to Buckeye fans and probably anyone that follows sports. How serious this really is may not come out until after the Rose Bowl game on January 1.

The Three Rivers Bridge project continues to move forward despite the rain and cold weather this fall. Plans are to pour the bridge deck this week – with the other lanes of the bridge closed to traffic. It will be a bit of a hassle for a lot of folks but the end game for this entire project will be fantastic for our community. The work completed thus far looks amazing. How long it takes for a bridge deck to cure I am not certain but somewhere there is a Beacon reader more knowledgeable than me. I will let you do the research yourself in between looking up a new Christmas dessert recipe and what sweater to pull out of the closet for your company ugly sweater contest.

In addition to the recently concluded arrival of the big man himself at various venues around town – the goal here is to check in on folks of course – now two really cool events have also finished up for the year – the candle lighting at Roscoe Village and the live nativity at the Coshocton Christian Tabernacle. The folks that volunteer their time and skills for the live nativity deserve our appreciation – it is well attended and naturally, it was cold. It always is – I think.

This seems to go hand in hand with the candle lighting at Roscoe Village. Typically one of the two is on the coldest night of the year and Saturday evening was no exception. Someone in the office said that a warming trend is on the way. I’ll take it. Two weeks – that is, 344 hours until THE movie.

Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion

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