Mark’s Musings – December 25, 2019

Mark Fortune
Merry Christmas to one and all! By the time you receive your Dec. 25 issue of The Coshocton County Beacon many of you will have no doubt already had your first, second or third – viewing of “that” movie. You know the one I am referring to of course. That silly stocking cap – the tongue on the flagpole, the C+++++++++, the neighbor’s dogs, enjoying Christmas dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I can visualize the steam rolling off that bowl of mashed potatoes in my head right now! It’s my favorite and hopefully I can grab a glimpse of the first showing at 8 p.m.
I don’t know what I will do if some year they decide NOT to broadcast my favorite Christmas movie. Why yes I do! I will grab the DVD version and throw that in and just watch it over and over and over again!
A reader asked me to put this in for this week’s issue – I know it is a volatile subject but really, what better week than Christmas to look at this subject. 40 million of our tax dollars spent for an effort that was going to go nowhere. That is not saying there is no wrongdoing – that question may not be answered until the book – or the movie – or whatever comes out. And it may not be answered even then. So there it is. And that is enough on that for now.
Let’s shift back to Christmas. What are your plans? Time with family? Having some turkey with all the trimmings? Green bean casserole? Pecan pie? Sweet potatoes? I am getting hungry just thinking about all of it.
I have written about this before but am running out of not only energy but things to write about here on Friday afternoon (that is probably related to the energy) so let’s just ramble a bit, shall we.
What is your favorite thing about Christmas? Watching the kids go nuts over their packages? The food? Desserts? Christmas cookies? And I consider a Christmas cookie (or multiples of) to be an official snack of Christmas – not dessert. We could even get into which of those is your favorite. . .
What is your favorite memory of Christmas? Memories of Christmas with Mom and Dad and even Grandma and Grandpa come flooding back to me – especially this year – as I write this. There are many people in our community that will be experiencing their very first Christmas without a parent or loved one. Let’s please keep them in our thoughts and prayers this Christmastide.
Well, the Buckeyes are no doubt poised for a run at the National Championship as they take on Clemson in one of the two semi-final games on Saturday, Dec. 28. The game is scheduled for 8 p.m. as the battle between the two undefeated teams are in a rematch to make it to the championship game. It could be a late night but it should be a good game.
Thank you the support and confidence you have placed in The Beacon throughout 2019. Merry Christmas to everyone!
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion