Mark’s Musings – December 31, 2019

Mark Fortune
Mark’s Musings
Here we are on the verge of another year. Another year of promises, anticipation and hope. All mixed in with a presidential election in November. But wait, let’s digress for a moment. How many times did YOU watch “A Christmas Story”? You were aware that it was on two different channels this year, right? So if I missed the beginning or the ending or in fact, any spot in between, I could easily switch back and forth. And I did. I always watch the final broadcast from 6 to 8 p.m. And the show is just as funny each year.
By the time you read this final edition of Mark’s Musings for 2019 the Buckeyes will have either headed back to Columbus to prepare for the national championship game – OR – they will have finished what will go down as a record season in Columbus for the scarlet and gray.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and your New Year is filled with joy, blessings and happiness. We all know that January 1 offers up an opportunity to make good on our own promises and New Year’s resolutions. Everyone knows the typical ones – lose weight, be a better person, be more organized, etc. You know the drill.
There are many others of course. We each have our very own goals and aspirations for 2020. That has a cool sound to it, right? Yep, it does. I can remember thinking ahead many years ago to the year 2020 – somewhat of a milestone for me – as I will be turning 60 next summer. In today’s parlance, that age is not relatively old – but neither is it young. 65 is not that far away really and then comes 70. Now to me, that just sounds – well, old. And this is no offense to anyone that has reached those ages. We all know people that are very active and very involved in the community of that age and older. Thank you for your service to our community.
Have you been to see the new “Star Wars” movie yet? The reviews – from folks I have talked to – not the ones online – are mixed. Particularly the ending – so, now you are intrigued right? Well, there is only one way to fix that – get on down to our locally owned Shelby Theaters and see it for yourself! We are indeed fortunate to have a theater here in Coshocton County!
Here at The Coshocton County Beacon we are grateful for being able to serve this great community for another year. It was another year of positive happenings in our community with a special shout-out to the people of West Lafayette for their incredible display of community spirit and pride during and after the flood. What an example they set for everyone. And it wasn’t just the people of West Lafayette that came through – it was also the rest of Coshocton County and even beyond. People contributed in many different ways to help the recovery effort. What a terrific display of kindness and community for the youngsters to see in action. I am confident that they will always remember the Great Flood of 2019.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion