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Mark’s Musings – Jan. 6, 2015

| January 5, 2016
Mark Fortune

Mark Fortune

It was another disappointing year. No, I am not talking about your Christmas gifts and the fact that you received a package of tee shirts instead of the new boat or car that you really wanted. Now, if someone cared enough to get you the extra tall version of tee shirts, then good for you. I understand. I am referring to that hapless and seemingly lost team up on the lake. That would be the Browns. New uniforms, new players and all that jazz was just not enough to cause the effect needed. So the revolving door continues. One of these times the door will open onto the lake itself and this continued misery that is bestowed upon Browns fans each and every year will somehow disappear like lake effect snow or Christmas tinsel of years gone by. Now the search begins for a new coach and a new GM. Good luck.

Hey, I hear that some of the guys doing broadcast might be looking for a shot at redemption. Oh, sorry, they’re not. I guess all of us Browns fans can wish the Bengals good luck whilst those of you in Coshocton County that root for those guys in yellow and black are once again relishing in last minute glory. Meanwhile, there’s always next year for Cleveland.

I thought the Buckeyes looked pretty much like the best team in the country against the Irish on New Year’s Day. That is, until I watched Alabama. I think we would all agree that the Buckeyes versus either Alabama or Clemson would be a terrific matchup. But it will not be as the Clemson Tigers take on the Crimson Tide in the national championship game on Jan. 11. The Tigers don’t get the respect of the “big name” programs but obviously they are doing something right. My prediction is ‘Bama 28, Tigers 21.

Anyone for a wish list for the community in 2016? Let’s do it anyway. Here goes. Make some initial headway on a possible replacement for WestRock. Better traffic flow through town. You know, so you don’t get stopped at a traffic light every 50 feet. The various groups and organizations that are trying to make things happen in our community working together to truly make these things happen. It just works better that way. Really. United Way, despite the losses from WestRock employees, still gets the job done and has the funds to provide what is needed in our community. The groups and organizations that receive funds from United Way get creative in how they can replace any funds not provided. This is a tough one.

Come up with more collaborative efforts between government and the private sector like the County Road 12 project. We can move many things forward in Coshocton County by duplicating that approach.

Don’t rest on our laurels and stop comparing ourselves to Holmes County (we’re not), Guernsey County, Muskingum County or other neighbors. We’re not any of those folks and they are not us. While we are a region we have many of our own positive attributes to enjoy and continue developing throughout 2016. Go Coshocton County!

Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion

About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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