Mark’s Musings – January 23, 2019
Mark Fortune
Do you really wanna’ get that wall built? Now you know that typically this column does not delve into the more serious issues that are facing all of us on a daily basis because you probably hear it from too many other sources – but sometimes you just have to get involved. Instead of having the government pay for the wall and continuing this partial shutdown until some folks can figure out how to have an actual conversation – well, here goes nuthin’ – why not try crowdfunding? That’s right – put the appeal out to the people of the nation – or the world for that matter – and see what happens. You can “adopt a brick or a section of concrete, whatever” for, let’s say, the reasonable price of just five bucks. Or buy five for $20. We Americans love a deal!
Now, before you think this is taking a cynical view of how things work in Washington – because none of us would have that viewpoint after all – think about it. We the taxpayers are footing the bill for this anyways -some agree and some don’t. So I think this is the best option and a way to end the stalemate – let those that are in favor of the wall pay for it. Maybe this could even become a path for the future – you want space travel – then you pony up some hard earned bucks and sponsor an astronaut or a part of a new space vehicle. Something like that.
BREAKING NEWS – I just found out AFTER writing this column – and obviously doing no research – that this is already being done – and in fact, the account has over $20 million in it. Gosh, I thought I had actually come up with something innovative.
And before you just pooh pooh this concept – think about it logically. It makes sense right? At least it did when I started writing. Now that the words are down on paper – let’ move on to another topic.
Can we all say a big “THANK YOU” to the many folks from the Coshocton Regional Medical Center that came out this past Saturday morning to offer their services and very worthwhile information at the seventh annual Health, Safety & Wellness Expo held at Kids America. The staff was there by the dozens to offer blood draws, information on many topics and just a friendly hello. This annual event is sponsored by the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce, the Coshocton Regional Medical Center and the Coshocton Safety Council. And thanks also to Amy and Debbie at the Chamber and all of the other vendors that were on hand to provide information on their services. This event is a great service to our community. Thank You.
Super Bowl LIII prediction – can the veteran take down another youngster when Tom Brady takes the field versus LA Rams quarterback phenom Jared Goff – of course we all know that the refs blew a huge call and the Saints should be the ones marching to Atlanta. But that’s the way it goes! You could almost think that the city of New Orleans is . . . unlucky? Remember last year against Minnesota? That’s right – sports fans termed it the “Minneapolis Miracle” – which sent the Vikings to the championship game. And to top it all off – this is the first home playoff loss ever for the Saints – who are considered unbeatable at home. Well, as they say, that’s why they play the game. Prediction for Super Bowl LIII – New England 28 – LA Rams 21. And following that Tom Brady just might retire.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion