Mark’s Musings – January 24, 2018

Mark Fortune
A movie with Tom Hanks is usually a sure winner and “The Post” does not disappoint. For those that are familiar with the story and even those that are not, “The Post” hits a home run in just how the so called Pentagon Papers spelled the beginning of the end of the Vietnam War. Co-star Meryl Streep and the supporting cast are also first rate. This movie should be – after a bit of research by the teacher to confirm that the facts are right – a must see for any high school government class. It is vital that our youth understand the importance of a free and unfettered press in our society.
One thing that you learn in this movie is that since the Vietnam War and the discovery of the Pentagon Papers there has always been a bit of mistrust between the media and our elected officials in Washington D.C. Prior to that there was a mutual respect between the two and each seemed to understand their respective role in how our forefathers envisioned the role of the press in a free democracy. It is an important role and one that should be taken seriously. Someone needs to keep a close eye on government.
Unfortunately some in the media are the very ones that have caused the current black eye and stain on the press from the public’s perspective. When reporters at the national level ask just plain stupid questions that are obviously designed to elicit a certain type of response or an answer of even their own design, can you blame the public? (Which, by the way, is (the public) more intelligent than either the press or the politicians in the big city probably think we are).
I encourage you to go see the movie. It’s not one of those action flicks with bullets constantly flying about and all that, nor is it a flick set in outer space way in the future but it is about an important part of our past and a piece of history whose story needed to be told. Now, speaking of movies with bullets flying all about, the new Clint Eastwood film “15:17 to Paris” featuring the true to life young men that sprang into action to save lives will undoubtedly be a good one. And let’s continue to support our local movie theater! We are fortunate to have it.
This is quite a change in the weather huh? The snow is almost gone – I actually thought it would be here until March based on how much we received. And the temperature of course! I was way off on that one. I thought that we might not see the grass (even brown) until spring regardless of the ground hog’s predictions. Just shows. We do live in Ohio.
There is a lot coming up in the community – and with all the schools back in session high school sports is back in full swing following a bout of cancellations that makes everyone’s life a bit more challenging to manage. Isn’t it about time for Girl Scout cookies?
There is still time to help the local United Way reach their goal.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion