Mark’s Musings – July 25, 2018

Mark Fortune
The America in Bloom judges are visiting Coshocton County this week! A team of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers are leading the effort to ensure that our community looks beautiful and inviting. They have accomplished much over the past several years–learning more with each visit and review from the judges–then putting that knowledge and feedback to use. It takes a lot of work – and time – to keep up with the planting and watering. Thank you to all of the America in Bloom volunteers and everyone that helped with this year’s effort! You make our entire community look positive.
It’s time for some preseason predictions. The Buckeyes that is. The 2018 season starts with a game against Oregon State on Saturday, Sept. 1. The Buckeyes only have four true away games – with the TCU game at a neutral site. Seven home games round out the schedule with the big finale against the folks from up north in The Shoe. The Buckeyes–in most polls–are the favorite to win the Big Ten–edging out Wisconsin–who is heavily favored to win the West.
And speaking of football, July 30 is the date that officially opens high school football practice across the state of Ohio. Thousands of high school athletes prepare themselves for the dreaded two-a-days amidst the heat and humidity of an Ohio summer. Let’s not forget about all those participating in high school band, cheerleading, volleyball, golf, soccer and cross-country as we prepare for another school year.
It takes a lot of effort and dedication to be involved in high school extra-curricular activities – as it always has. It also requires a lot from parents and other family members, friends and maybe even neighbors to get the kids to and from their activities. People do it because they want to do it. Let’s wish everyone a successful and safe year.
More and more research is showing that today’s young people want to leave their own mark on society. They want to make a difference, be involved – not just sit on the sidelines – and make things happen in their community. You are seeing this come to fruition in our very own community with several “Pay it Forward” projects involving area high school students and in some cases, junior high youth. This is a great idea that will indeed pay it forward in many lives and organizations throughout the community.
It looks like the Three Rivers Bridge and other road projects are making significant progress in Coshocton County. Large sections of the westbound bridge across the Muskingum River have been removed down to the steel beams. I do not know if the beams are being replaced. I am confident that they will be inspected, cleaned and painted if not. These beams were made when rivets were still used. I am not an engineer by any means but some quick research told me that rivets are no longer used in bridge beam construction. I also imagine that someone out there with more intelligence on this subject could weigh in on it. Of course, if you drive a truck you are sitting higher coming across the bridge and you can see more than I can from the seat of my car.
It also seems that people are being courteous and respectful at the four way stop – which is appreciated by all! Thank you.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion