Mark’s Musings – July 5, 2017

Mark Fortune
Puppy, monkey, baby. Puppy, monkey, baby. You’ve seen the commercial. I admit, it’s pretty fast paced for a guy my age. I am finding that, frankly, I can’t even keep up with some of the modern television commercials and their fast talking glib spokespeople anymore. That is kind of sad but life moves on.
Let’s return to the beginning of the above paragraph. This particular phrase is uttered almost non-stop during the commercial and features – not real of course – the face of a puppy, the torso of a monkey and the legs from the waist down of a baby. Yep. Complete with a diaper. The baby that is.
What is this all about you’re asking? Here goes. If someone is creative enough to put together three – or at least two – of our favorite and most huggable things – they should have enough brainpower and creativity to CREATE A REALLY GOOD HEALTH CARE PLAN FOR THE REST OF US! Why not?
I suggest that some of the folks in Washington, D.C. get in touch with this agency or whoever the brainchild was behind the puppy, monkey and baby thing and get them involved. They might just come up with something really cool and unusual. A plan that is affordable and works for the rest of us.
The baseball season is heating up. We’re almost at the All-Star break and the Tribe is in first place. Houston is running away with the National League west – having won more games than any other team at this point of the season. The Dodgers are close behind in total games won.
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati are not out of it by any stretch of the seventh inning or imagination. The Rockies have lost 8 straight as of Friday yet despite that statistic are only 6 games back of the first place Dodgers.
The folks that coordinate First Friday’s – Our Town Coshocton – have something cool to show off to the community this Friday (July 7) at the courthouse. A lighting display of the courthouse will follow the July 7th First Friday event at approx. 9 p.m. The technology that exists with LED lights is simply amazing and this is your opportunity to see a preview of how our beautiful courthouse would look with a modern lighting display.
Speaking of modern lighting is anyone using any of these smart lighting devices? You know the ones – where your lights turn on when you hit the driveway or are still a half mile away from your domicile? These won’t work with just any switch or receptacle. I think you need a special one. I need to look into this just from the coolness factor. Technology is moving rapidly – much too rapidly for this guy to keep up with, that’s for sure. Wait, didn’t I mention that in the first paragraph of this column? Yep. It hasn’t changed in a few paragraphs.
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. To all those in our community who took time away from their family and friends to provide the fireworks and all that accompanies that effort, thank you. To all those that serve our community on holidays, thank you for sharing your time and talents. And a special thank you goes to all those in uniform that serve our nation.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion