Mark’s Musings – June 21, 2017

Mark Fortune
This could be your lucky day. Well, not in the sense that you may think it is your lucky day. You may define that as winning the lottery, being able to retire, getting a hole in one at the golf course or the Browns being declared the Super Bowl winner before the season even starts because all of the other teams just know, just know, they are that good.
It seems that Lucky Charms – the cereal folks – are unleashing 10,000 boxes of marshmallows only. Now, if you happen to get one of those 10,000 boxes you enter to win the big prize. I don’t know what you win. You’ll have to find out for yourself.
Next up on the docket of new ‘stuff’ being pandered about is a new Oreo cookie. The newest Oreo is called Firework Oreo – and has little bits of pop rock candy inside the filling. This is not like the pop rock candy from your youth according to sources that will remain – like most of the sources in Washington D.C. – anonymous. These are red and blue sprinkles mixed in with the creamy filling. That’s not all folks. Oreo has announced – and is in the midst of – a new cookie flavor contest that ends on July 14. So whip up your favorite concoction like cotton candy or watermelon and send it on via social media to the folks at Nabisco.
Would a Paul George trade allow the Cavaliers to beat the Warriors next season? Can the Cavs make it back to the finals for the fourth year in a row? The Celtics are young and it showed in the playoffs but each year adds experience to the young and age to the old. Age in the NBA equals injuries, not being able to jump quite as high or move quite as fast, but let’s remember that these athletes have the very best training and equipment and nutrition that money can buy. They are a little beyond the weekend 5K athlete.
The Tribe has moved into first place following a weekend sweep of the Twins. Very nice. Boston is tied with the Yankees and Houston continues to dominate the win column in the American League. And while the Bucs and the Reds are at the bottom of their division they are not that far out of it. We’re not even at the All-Star break yet.
Have you heard that the members of the Golden State Warriors NBA championship basketball team have decided not to go to the White House as tradition holds and meet with the President? An interesting move for sure. I am also not confident that this is decided for certain. Why not make the trip and tell the President what you disagree with instead of taking the easy way out. I wonder what the Cavaliers would have done?
In a little sports side note – the Browns have had 26 quarterbacks since 1999.
The Indian Mud Run is this weekend. This is a truly awesome event that benefits our community. I don’t know how they get it done, but get it done they do. Nice job Hubie and gang!
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion