Mark’s Musings – June 7, 2017

Mark Fortune
Can the Cavs come back from a 0-2 deficit? I don’t know but if anyone can do it, LeBron and the Cavs are the team to do it. Winning the next two at home will draw it even and send it back to Golden State for game number five.
It is indeed a positive to see our local Memorial Day events well attended and that we have a nice number to choose from in and around Coshocton County. People come out to pay their respects to our fallen for many reasons and they do it despite the busyness of the Memorial Day weekend with graduation parties, family events, barbecues and high school graduations vying for time.
Several track athletes from Ridgewood and River View high schools earned their way to the OHSAA state track meet held on June 2 and 3 at Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium on the campus of The Ohio State University with Ridgewood sophomore Alexis Prater making the podium for All-Ohio honors in not one, but two events. You can read more about this in on page 13 of this week’s Beacon.
As I write this the Indians are only one game back of the Twins with the Reds in last place and the Pirates next to last. Of course, to be fair to both of those teams, they are in the same division as the second place Cubs and first place Milwaukee Brewers. The Nationals, the Dodgers and the Rockies are red hot.
“Wow” is about the only word that I can come up with. I am talking about the recently opened bath house at our beloved Lake Park. The outside of this facility, while beautiful and aesthetic in its own right – it blends in quite nicely with a green roof and brown paint – does not do justice to the interior. My gosh. This has to be in the top five in the state without question. Check it out when you get the opportunity – but maybe not on the weekend when our very own Lake Park is full of campers from Coshocton County, Muskingum County, Holmes County and all points on the compass. Nice job.
Now, let’s talk about something else at Lake Park and on the path that connects Roscoe Village to Lake Park that is not so nice. Please pick up your trash and put it in the trash receptacle. Fishing? You have to walk back to your vehicle and there are several places to put your trash along the way. There are plenty of them. There is simply no excuse for this lack of manners or caring. The sad part is that some of this trash is no doubt spread by adults, not children. Let’s set a better example for the youngsters.
ISIS will not win in London. If that guy from Germany couldn’t defeat the British with bombs and rockets and the threat of invasion I doubt that a few rogue individuals will either. Regardless, this is a gut wrenching and heart breaking situation when mothers and fathers have to think twice about letting their teenagers or almost teenagers go out for an evening with their friends. This is tragic and sad.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion