Mark’s Musings – May 09, 2012

| May 9, 2012
Mark Fortune

Mark Fortune

Thanks to everyone that has entered The Beacon’s gas card giveaway. The entries continue to pour in – just a quick tip – you do not need to enter each week – we will keep all entries and draw from all those received. Of course, you are more than welcome to enter as often as you wish and increase your odds of winning!

We’ll be drawing the winning entry each Monday at noon and will publish the winner’s name on the front page of The Beacon. That way, if your friends and neighbors want your autograph, you can quickly jot it for them on the front page of The Beacon. Ha, ha. Thanks everyone.

The youth in our community continue to step up – whether it is through community service, high school athletics, music or academics. As another class winds its way toward graduation, may they pause to reflect on their education, upbringing and community activities that have prepared them to take the next step in life. And a big step it will be. That walk across the stage at graduation culminates in the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. But that is how the book of life is written of course; one chapter at a time.

The annual Dogwood Festival typically brings out a very talented group of folks to the Courtsquare – and the opportunity for everyone in our community to see our youth in action with regard to musical talent. This is a wonderful event and we need to say thanks to those that help make it possible each year.

Summer seems to have arrived a tad early – just like spring. Now, we are all wondering, of course, just what type of summer will it be? Hot, dry, muggy, or iced tea and homemade ice cream comfortable? I do know from personal experience that homemade ice cream does not set too well in really humid weather. . . so let’s hope that on those days, at least, it is a nice 80 degrees with low relative humidity. I know, I’m being way too picky here.

Well, the Hot Air Balloon Festival is just around the corner, the “first” First Friday celebration went very well with a nice crowd downtown enjoying the activities. Bravo to the group of volunteers that are making this happen again this year! You deserve our thanks.

While it’s not quite time for baseball, hot dogs and apple pie, it is time to celebrate our graduates, whether it is from high school or college, remember our military men and women as we approach Memorial Day and thank those that continue to serve our great community.

And I think the corn is starting to emerge. That’s always a good thing.

Category: Mark's Musings

About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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